Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Well this isn't dumb, but it surprises me how afraid people are of chickens! My cousin and her husband were visiting from Illinois. She grew up on a huge dairy farm with all sorts of animals, including some very dangerous bulls. She's not a weak person by any means. So, she was enjoying the sunshine and I had been in the big girl coop and decided to bring out Pearl, a sweet 3 1/2 year old red/brown sex-linked hen. Pearl was just chillin' while I held her, not fussing or pecking or anything, just totally relaxed and enjoying being petted. I was trying to convince my cousin to feel how nice Pearl's feathers felt on her back, but my cousin was very reluctant and said, "You know, I don't know why, but I've always been a little afraid of chickens." I managed to get her to touch her feathers for a brief second. When I hold my chickens, I always pet and play with their feet and they will gently grasp my fingers and sort of "play" back (they love their feet rubbed!) I offered my cousin $100 if she would touch Pearl's feet and she said "no way!" Go figure!

My mom also grew up on a small dairy farm, before my gramps switched to beef cattle. When I told her I was getting chickens, she said, "Why? They're mean and all they do is poop. I hated the chickens." Then she went on about how the roosters would chase her. So I think maybe some people had bad experiences as children.
The weirdest worst advice I got was from Tractor Supply when I was calling around looking for parasite treatments and they recommended that I feed the hens sevin powder. "Put it in the feed" they said.


The other was the guy at An Jan who told my neighbor that wild bird seed was an acceptable alternative to layer crumbles and oyster shell - and they like it so much better! Hunky dunky except that it's not consistent, so the more aggressive birds will get more/better food than the less aggressive birds and the less aggressive ones end up with compromised immune systems and become susceptible to prolapse.

Same An Jan I came in for layer crumbles and the kid told me they were out till they got some out of the truck that was out back. So I said great, how long will that take you? The kid tells me to come back in six hours or maybe tomorrow. Ummmmmnope. I'll just go to my regular feed store, which is a bit farther to drive, but always has solid advice and has my truck loaded before I even get done at the register. They would take from their own personal supply before they would tell me to come back another day.

I've come to stop listening to anyone who might otherwise be working at a starbucks when dealing with my animals.
Well I have never experience this but now I have hear this twice at work. One lady told me that when she was younger they had chickens and that they drowned in the rain. My first thought was maybe the coop got flooded. She said that the chickens drowned because they were looking up at the rain drops. LOL. A few months later another lady told me the same thing. She saw I had some egg cartons on my desk and asked me what I did with them. So I told her that I had chickens and used the carton to sell some of the eggs. Then she said, I wanted some chickens but my dad said they are dumb, they drown when it rains. I just smile at her and said, mine know how to swim. She just looked at me and walked away.

I've heard that a few times, but it's always about turkeys!

Everyone that told me that is joking, though.
Anyone else think it's sometimes VERY hard to discern whether some people are joking or being serious? Someone said something really stupid to me once (not about chickens, somethign else) and I laughed and had to catch myself because she was ACTUALLY serious! OOPS... lol :oops:
I've heard that a few times, but it's always about turkeys!

Everyone that told me that is joking, though.

I've also heard the same thing several times, also, but it was always about turkeys, too. Don't now whether or not it is true, but did know some who had turkeys for a 4-H project and I do have to say they seem more delicate than chickens. It also seems more young turkeys than chickens didn't make it to adulthood.

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