Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I make a habit of putting all colors in my egg boxes customers here love em
at first I only had brown from Brahma and barred rock now easter egger and
sex- link in the mix blue and green
I posted about how it was cold enough to freeze the chicken nipples last night on my facebook, and I'm a little disappointed in the total lack of commits I got from that.

First cold snap here in SE Michigan that got cold enough to freeze the water in my nipple bucket waterer. And sure enough, the nipples were froze this morning. I sat the girls up with a dog dish of fresh water for the day. Going to be glad to have my ten pound lifting limit lifted on monday so I can swap out my waterers to the heated one.

Honestly there was a period of 3 weeks that "chicken nipples" become the talk of our church.
There are 3 chicken keepers in our church and we tend to form a bit of a group discussion at the end of church.
People overhear certain bits of the discussion and are left scratching their heads until they finally decide they should ask what we are talking about.
I had a guy ask how many eggs I was getting from my chickens a day. I told him "None. They're 10 weeks old." He informed me (quite condescendingly I might add) that I was obviously not only an amateur, (which I am) but also very "out of touch with reality" for believing in, and feeding them commercial starter crumbles, which are actually designed to delay laying in chickens, so that you have to keep buying MORE from the companies that make the chicken feed. His proof? He has always had ALL of his hens lay 2-3 eggs per DAY by 10 weeks of age by feeding them dog food and a little beer. (Not enough to get them drunk of course; that'd be crazy!)....................
I think he might have had a little too much kibble and beer himself.
this is priceless!!!

Ya know, I'm a psychologist and even I don't get why people spew this manure. I can't figure out if a) they're delusional and actually believe it, b) hope you'll believe it so feel stupid in comparison, or c) hope you'll try it and be an abysmal failure. I mean, under any circumstances, it just doesn't make sense to go around making these claims. Do me a favor, ya'll. Next time someone hits you with a fantastic story like this, would you ask them for me what they're trying to achieve by making such a claim? Enquiring minds really want to know.

I wish you'd told this nut that you were going to report them for feeding alcohol to underaged chickens. 10 weeks, indeed.

Ya know, I'm a psychologist and even I don't get why people spew this manure. I can't figure out if a) they're delusional and actually believe it, b) hope you'll believe it so feel stupid in comparison, or c) hope you'll try it and be an abysmal failure. I mean, under any circumstances, it just doesn't make sense to go around making these claims. Do me a favor, ya'll. Next time someone hits you with a fantastic story like this, would you ask them for me what they're trying to achieve by making such a claim? Enquiring minds really want to know.

I wish you'd told this nut that you were going to report them for feeding alcohol to underaged chickens. 10 weeks, indeed.


How are you, 7 Biddies? Are the fires in your area finally under control? Did you make it through without damage?

How are you, 7 Biddies? Are the fires in your area finally under control? Did you make it through without damage?

Thanks for the concern, bobbi-j. Haven't seen much smoke this week, so I hope that means they've gotten it under control. Last I heard, the biggest fire just south of me was 40% contained, so that's definitely a good sign. The fire fighters have done a great job and the entire community has gone above and beyond showing their gratitude. We just can't do enough for them. Never got to my town, thankfully. Even caught some of the fire bugs who created the situation. But, until we get some rain, we continue to be at risk.

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