Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Soooo, in my Japanese class today, we made a sweet egg dish. Our Sensei gave us store bought eggs to work with, and the conversation started like this:

Friend A: "I mean, it is kind of sad that we are eating unborn baby chickens."
Me: "Well, even if they were fertilized, it would take about three days in an incubator or under a broody hen for them to start developing."
Friend A: "Well, the're still supposed to be babies."
Me: *Checks over egg yolks.* "They aren't fertilized."
Friend B: "They probably didn't have time to be fertilized where they were made."

I am so worried for the people of this world.
My moms friend told her about the time she bought eggs at the store and she got the surprise of her life when there was a baby chick inside of an egg when she cracked it.
So now my mom is scared that my eggs all have baby chicks in them and she's grossed out because I have a rooster.
Soooo, in my Japanese class today, we made a sweet egg dish. Our Sensei gave us store bought eggs to work with, and the conversation started like this:

Friend A: "I mean, it is kind of sad that we are eating unborn baby chickens."
Me: "Well, even if they were fertilized, it would take about three days in an incubator or under a broody hen for them to start developing." 
Friend A: "Well, the're still supposed to be babies."
Me: *Checks over egg yolks.* "They aren't fertilized."
Friend B: "They probably didn't have time to be fertilized where they were made."

I am so worried for the people of this world. 

There needs to be a mandatory class in school for things you should know but don't.
My dad STILL won't eat any of my chickens' eggs, because they poop(???) Yeah but he's totally okay with the store bought eggs that literally are laid in tiny cages covered in poop and near dead chickens and salmonella... Sheesh... 

So, he doesn't eat steak or bacon because cows and pigs "poop"? Find a living creature that doesn't. Even plants "poop", in a way. Tell him to do what the commercial producers do: wash them in bleach water (I wonder what it looks like after 50 or so eggs have been washed in it?). Better yet, tell him what the Soup Nazi says to unappreciative patrons, "No soup (eggs) for you!"

I'm assuming he more meant because the poop and eggs come out of the same hole? Cow and pig you just eat the meat and not near the poop. But still a good point

Here's a new one. I had someone ask to *borrow* a chicken or two, to be pasture buddies for her mini horse. No coop, no chicken fencing, nowhere to close them up at night.... no way.

Wow what the heck! And shouldn't that poor poor mini have another horse friend not freakin CHICKENS!? :(
Soooo, in my Japanese class today, we made a sweet egg dish. Our Sensei gave us store bought eggs to work with, and the conversation started like this:

Friend A: "I mean, it is kind of sad that we are eating unborn baby chickens."
Me: "Well, even if they were fertilized, it would take about three days in an incubator or under a broody hen for them to start developing." 
Friend A: "Well, the're still supposed to be babies."
Me: *Checks over egg yolks.* "They aren't fertilized."
Friend B: "They probably didn't have time to be fertilized where they were made."

I am so worried for the people of this world. 

:barnie. :th
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Soooo, in my Japanese class today, we made a sweet egg dish. Our Sensei gave us store bought eggs to work with, and the conversation started like this:

Friend A: "I mean, it is kind of sad that we are eating unborn baby chickens."
Me: "Well, even if they were fertilized, it would take about three days in an incubator or under a broody hen for them to start developing." 
Friend A: "Well, the're still supposed to be babies."
Me: *Checks over egg yolks.* "They aren't fertilized."
Friend B: "They probably didn't have time to be fertilized where they were made."

I am so worried for the people of this world. 

Ask them if they think it's wrong females flush an egg every month. It was SUPPOSED to be a baby!!! LOL
My moms friend told her about the time she bought eggs at the store and she got the surprise of her life when there was a baby chick inside of an egg when she cracked it.
So now my mom is scared that my eggs all have baby chicks in them and she's grossed out because I have a rooster.

I think Mom's friend told her a big ol' lie.
Virtually impossible to buy an egg from the store that has not been candled to catch even blood spots, let alone a chick. If buying typical battery sourced eggs, it's IS impossible, as those birds have never seen a rooster in their lives, let alone been bred by one.

If buying fertilized eggs from a free range situation, those are still candled to remove any eggs that have distortions in them, so even if a person from one of those situations were to leave eggs under a broody~highly unlikely~and THEN gather them after a chick had developed, candling the eggs would catch it.

I call bull hockey on that story.
I think Mom's friend told her a big ol' lie.  ;)   Virtually impossible to buy an egg from the store that has not been candled to catch even blood spots, let alone a chick.  If buying typical battery sourced eggs, it's IS impossible, as those birds have never seen a rooster in their lives, let alone been bred by one. 

If buying fertilized eggs from a free range situation, those are still candled to remove any eggs that have distortions in them, so even if a person from one of those situations were to leave eggs under a broody~highly unlikely~and THEN gather them after a chick had developed, candling the eggs would catch it. 

I call bull hockey on that story.  :thumbsup

I tried to tell my mom that. She struggles on what to believe. But then again she believes the "egg factory" chickens live a nice healthy happy life.
Wow what the heck! And shouldn't that poor poor mini have another horse friend not freakin CHICKENS!? :(

Yeah, she sold her other ponies but won't sell this one for some reason. She was going to try to find him a goat buddy or something.

Once, someone asked if I would take their chicken they wanted to give away. They bought it as a chick (just 1 chick...) and then felt bad to keep it in a bird cage!
I asked if it was a hen or rooster. They didn't know! I asked if it laid eggs or not. They said it did, but still didn't know if it was a hen or rooster

Long story short, I ended up with Little (who is a tiny bantam, lucky it wasn't a LF in that bird cage!)
Yeah, she sold her other ponies but won't sell this one for some reason. She was going to try to find him a goat buddy or something.

Once, someone asked if I would take their chicken they wanted to give away. They bought it as a chick (just 1 chick...) and then felt bad to keep it in a bird cage!
I asked if it was a hen or rooster. They didn't know! I asked if it laid eggs or not. They said it did, but still didn't know if it was a hen or rooster

Long story short, I ended up with Little (who is a tiny bantam, lucky it wasn't a LF in that bird cage!)

That's strange, is she especially attached to it? I've heard of animals having other species as companions and often they can be very bonded and it could work but in reality they really need at least one of their own species. She should sell this pony or buy another pony, it's not fair but I'm sure you know that.

And wow, that's terrible! Glad you were able to save her

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