Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

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The color of the shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it.
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Hens with white feathers usually lay white eggs, and red hens lay brown eggs.

What? So Barred Rocks lay...
1) Black eggs
2) White eggs
3) Striped eggs

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The color of the shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it.
Provided by Business Insider Inc
Hens with white feathers usually lay white eggs, and red hens lay brown eggs.

What?  So Barred Rocks lay...
1)  Black eggs
2)  White eggs
3)  Striped eggs   


This on msn right now...

The color of the shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it.
Provided by Business Insider Inc
Hens with white feathers usually lay white eggs, and red hens lay brown eggs.

What?  So Barred Rocks lay...
1)  Black eggs
2)  White eggs
3)  Striped eggs   


Forget the white and brown eggs and what a Barred Rock would lay... I want to see the color of the chickens that laid those lovely green and blue eggs! :gig
This on msn right now...

The color of the shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it.
Provided by Business Insider Inc
Hens with white feathers usually lay white eggs, and red hens lay brown eggs.

What?  So Barred Rocks lay...
1)  Black eggs
2)  White eggs
3)  Striped eggs   



That is just sad. And personally I wish my lavender orps layed lavender eggs it would make knowing who layed them so much easier. If this were true though what the heck would SLW and EE eggs look like with their different patterns and colors!
Had a good one a few days ago. I had bought some Carolina Blue sex-link eggs and let my broody maran hatch them 100% success rate and first hatch.

Well, a friend asked if I was going to have more marans then, when I told him they were a different breed, he was flabbergasted. "She doesn't know they're not her eggs?"

Told him nope, they'll even hatch duck eggs and such.

His response "chickens are weird..."

on the survival topic, many people don't know that the best by date on canned goods is NOT the expiration date. They are actually good for quite awhile. I use http://www.eatbydate.com/ to see.
You would think a news outlet would know better! Of course, they're not really news, more entertainment, but still, come on people... it's not that hard to check facts and sources! Lol
Had a good one a few days ago. I had bought some Carolina Blue sex-link eggs and let my broody maran hatch them 100% success rate and first hatch.

Well, a friend asked if I was going to have more marans then, when I told him they were a different breed, he was flabbergasted. "She doesn't know they're not her eggs?"

Told him nope, they'll even hatch duck eggs and such.

His response "chickens are weird..."

on the survival topic, many people don't know that the best by date on canned goods is NOT the expiration date. They are actually good for quite awhile. I use http://www.eatbydate.com/ to see.

Lol wow

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