Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

My best friend of 30+ years brought her 12 and 14 yr old babies over to see my chickens for the first time yesterday.

She couldn't believe I was picking them up..
Her kids thought they were the cutest, softest things they ever touched.

Best friend couldn't get the kids into the house quick enough to pour hand sanitizer on the kids hands and arms.

I reminded her I did have a sink and soap in the kitchen/bathrroms...
She said no she didn't want the kids to wash their hands with JUST soap...the hand sanitizer was MUCh better that that.

I about died laughing AT HER!

I then procceeded to grab a chip from the bowl with my Unwashed hands and put it in my mouth...
She almost fainted!

I again killed myself laughing.

These are the same kids that are at the doctor every month cuz they are sick with "something" AGAIN and AGAIN..
my kids are the ones that play outside and never get something as simple as a runny nose.

That's what I'm saying you don't build a tolerance to your surroundings as you did years ago the best thing for allergies but Drs say drugs but it's local raw honey! You in ingest the pollin and build an immunity to it! I also keep bees and that's been known for over 100 years

Plus, with all the air conditioning in homes, cars, restaurants, schools, etc., people aren't exposed to fresh air and the pollens in it that they carry around like they used to be. I grew up in Miami before a/c. <pant> The windows of the house and car were always open, so we got a big dose of whatever was in bloom, building a tolerance for it. Well, except for mangoes. We had a tree in the yard, not knowing that my dad and I were allergic to it. One year I broke out in a rash from head to toe, and the itching was fierce - just like poison ivy. Turns out it's related to poison ivy and the sap contains urushiol, the same stuff that people react to in poison ivy. Unfortunately, I'm VERY sensitive to the stuff, so the tree had to come down. Now that I live in the mountains, I leave my windows open whenever the weather allows. I try to see how long I can go without turning on the a/c in the summer, so I have fans blowing all over the place. I'm the only house on my street of 6 houses that's not sealed tight with the a/c or heat running 12 months/365 days per year. I love the fresh air!! If more people did, we wouldn't have the allergies or asthma we see today.
Honey is the ONLY food found in nature that NEVER goes bad. Therefore, thinking it needs to be pasteurized is kinda silly, no offense. I just don't like it when the raw local honey crystalizes, still can't figure out how to keep it from doing that. The kind you get from the store doesn't because they add stuff to it. Probably corn syrup from that corn Monsanto (i.e. most of America's farmers) grows that is categorized as a pesticide. THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT!
Sorry, couldn't help it!
My best friend of 30+ years brought her 12 and 14 yr old babies over to see my chickens for the first time yesterday.

She couldn't believe I was picking them up..
Her kids thought they were the cutest, softest things they ever touched.

Best friend couldn't get the kids into the house quick enough to pour hand sanitizer on the kids hands and arms.

I reminded her I did have a sink and soap in the kitchen/bathrroms...
She said no she didn't want the kids to wash their hands with JUST soap...the hand sanitizer was MUCh better that that.

I about died laughing AT HER!

I then procceeded to grab a chip from the bowl with my Unwashed hands and put it in my mouth...
She almost fainted!

I again killed myself laughing.

My mother-in-law is a complete hygiene freak, and my husband still hates to touch the chickens because 'birds carry diseases'. My toddler and I are in the coop at least a couple of hours every day and seem to have miraculously avoided these deadly diseases.
Well, I prefer cooked.

We drink our milk as fresh as it gets. When I milk the cow, sometimes I'll squirt it straight into my mouth...it's delicious! The best chocolate milk you'll ever have is when you get a cup, put chocolate milk powder in it and then milk her into the cup. You'll never have any better.

Yeah! When he was younger, some friends saw him on our road with an injured wing, caught him and gave him to me. I don't think his wing will ever heal, so he's here to stay. There's a pic of him on my profile if you want to see what he looks like.
that sounds delicious but a weird to me lollol

and oh wow thats awesome!!!
My best friend of 30+ years brought her 12 and 14 yr old babies over to see my chickens for the first time yesterday.

She couldn't believe I was picking them up..
Her kids thought they were the cutest, softest things they ever touched.

Best friend couldn't get the kids into the house quick enough to pour hand sanitizer on the kids hands and arms.

I reminded her I did have a sink and soap in the kitchen/bathrroms...
She said no she didn't want the kids to wash their hands with JUST soap...the hand sanitizer was MUCh better that that.

I about died laughing AT HER!

I then procceeded to grab a chip from the bowl with my Unwashed hands and put it in my mouth...
She almost fainted!

I again killed myself laughing.
I admit I must wash my hands after going to the chicken pen too. But then again I usually wind up accidentally touching poop or something I could be better about cleaning but they also manage to get it everywhere even when I do lol and I couldnt eat without washing my hands haha
These are the same kids that are at the doctor every month cuz they are sick with "something" AGAIN and AGAIN..
my kids are the ones that play outside and never get something as simple as a runny nose.


wow that's a lot of time at the doctor's!

it's weird i like never get sick. but now i probably do more cause i wash my hands way more now and/or the weight too i think idk
Plus, with all the air conditioning in homes, cars, restaurants, schools, etc., people aren't exposed to fresh air and the pollens in it that they carry around like they used to be. I grew up in Miami before a/c. <pant> The windows of the house and car were always open, so we got a big dose of whatever was in bloom, building a tolerance for it. Well, except for mangoes. We had a tree in the yard, not knowing that my dad and I were allergic to it. One year I broke out in a rash from head to toe, and the itching was fierce - just like poison ivy. Turns out it's related to poison ivy and the sap contains urushiol, the same stuff that people react to in poison ivy. Unfortunately, I'm VERY sensitive to the stuff, so the tree had to come down. Now that I live in the mountains, I leave my windows open whenever the weather allows. I try to see how long I can go without turning on the a/c in the summer, so I have fans blowing all over the place. I'm the only house on my street of 6 houses that's not sealed tight with the a/c or heat running 12 months/365 days per year. I love the fresh air!! If more people did, we wouldn't have the allergies or asthma we see today.

That's probably true too but I admit I can't stand heat haha

Honey is the ONLY food found in nature that NEVER goes bad. Therefore, thinking it needs to be pasteurized is kinda silly, no offense. I just don't like it when the raw local honey crystalizes, still can't figure out how to keep it from doing that. The kind you get from the store doesn't because they add stuff to it. Probably corn syrup from that corn Monsanto (i.e. most of America's farmers) grows that is categorized as a pesticide. THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT!
Sorry, couldn't help it!

Sorry, I more meant anything raw being pasturized, so like including milk and stuff too. Although yes honey was included in that. But wow really? I'm going to have to find some raw honey then haha and no offense taken btw and wow! thats gross lol


My mother-in-law is a complete hygiene freak, and my husband still hates to touch the chickens because 'birds carry diseases'. My toddler and I are in the coop at least a couple of hours every day and seem to have miraculously avoided these deadly diseases.

haha im kinda like that
but i do love being with them
Ohh, sorry, I think I misunderstood. You are very right! I never thought of honey though! That's a good idea. Although I'm terrified to try raw anything haha 
Raw honey is just honey that hasn't been filtered that's raw honey it still has partials of pollin in it nothing to worry about I have had it for years and I don't get colds or flu as bad more dobi suffer with allergies as others do
Well, I prefer cooked. :lol:

We drink our milk as fresh as it gets. When I milk the cow, sometimes I'll squirt it straight into my mouth...it's delicious! The best chocolate milk you'll ever have is when you get a cup, put chocolate milk powder in it and then milk her into the cup. You'll never have any better. :drool

Yeah! When he was younger, some friends saw him on our road with an injured wing, caught him and gave him to me. I don't think his wing will ever heal, so he's here to stay. There's a pic of him on my profile if you want to see what he looks like. :)
Honey was found in the pyramids in Egypt still good after 2000 years the low moisture content (usually less than3%) stops and kicks any and all bacteria and to keep honey cold is not good but to liquefy it just put it in a pan of warm wAter or you can put it in the microwave on defrost until it melts no problem but they used honey to dress wounds during WWI it would kill any bacteria in the wound. It's one of the most important items for your home cubboard for the properties are like no other. It will also help cure sore throats because of it drawing moisture to the soreness also as a facelift because of the same properties.
We have crows that will catch chicks and just fly away with them I have gotten good at shooting them in flight but we have hawks and owls that are endangered but I have ways to scare them off
See, we got a crow family that makes a nest in the neighbor's backyard every year. The thing about crows is, they are frighteningly smart. And they remember if a person does something good or bad for a crow, and they pass that info on to other crows....

Well first year we moved in, I rescued one of the fledgling babies from a lawn mower and set her under our little wild rose bush were she would be safe. Mom and dad were watching the whole time squawking up a storm, so I made sure to leave some food out as a peace offering so they would know I wasn't trying to steal or harm their baby. She got much better at flying by the next day and was hoping around just fine with her fam a couple weeks later, looking like an ungainly little goth teenager lol. Since then I've left occasional food out for them and i will greet and talk to them if they're hanging around. How much a crow can understand of that I have no way to measure, but they're at least parrot smart, and they have definitely figured out that I'm one of the nice people.

They repay me by guarding the flock. Last year I transferred the chicks outside at about 4 weeks, tired of the mess and noise in the house already after they out grew their brooder. Didn't even think about the possibility of the crows being a problem. Lo and behold, they started watching after the little chicks, would give them alarm calls if they saw a cat or a dog near by, and the one time a hark showed up they mobbed it non-stop for a week before it gave up and left. I haven't had to worry about aerial predators since. A little kindness and some bribery recruited me a pretty awesome protection detail lol.

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