Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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And there is very little that is any more satisfying than eating fruit from your orchard, berries from your bushes, grapes from your vine, produce from your garden, and meat & eggs from your own livestock. It's a very nice connection to the earth. A lot more than the urban green-niks who only know about where food comes from because they read about it on the internet.
yeah, and then they pay a fortune for "organic" eggs laid by "vegetarian" chickens...
I have yet to figure out what a "vegetarian" chicken is.....because even if you feed them veggie feed, they're still going to eat any critter that unfortunate enough to crawl within reach.
"vegetarian chickens" are the ones at places that claim free range birds but give them mere inches of space, crammed together and no access to bugs or critters... they are not the backyard variety...
I love that term "Fart Egg"...
Although if it did have a yoke it would make a great garnish. I think a serving of pasta carbonara with one or two of these(fried) and some fresh basil on top would be adorable.
Here in Australia some grocers and free range chook shops sell quail eggs. They have yolks so you don't have a hit and miss with fart eggs.
They make the cutest Scotch eggs.
Oh, I *love* that. It's right in there with citiots. Perfect!!

I'm in the process of curing/converting one of them now. We were at a cook-out last weekend and he brought his own veggie burgers because "meat isn't healthy". I would venture to guess, however, that the heritage, grass fed, pastured, non-injected beef I eat is healthier than his veggie burger. I wish you could've seen his eyes bug out when I told him about commercially raised chickens, with their clipped/burned beaks. He really choked when I told him about commercial "free-range" chickens. I told him his assignment for next year is to grow ONE tomato plant in his yard; a cherry or grape tomato. He looked at me like I suggested he move to the woods and live in a lean-to. But, he's "organic", by golly!!

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My brother didnt want to hold an egg that had just been laid and it was still warm. he was like " that just came out of a chickens butt" Oh my gosh dude your a wimp
My kids LOVE the warm eggs. They fight over who gets to hold them, and they BOTH know exactly where that egg came from. They have watched it happen
Oh, I *love* that. It's right in there with citiots. Perfect!!

I'm in the process of curing/converting one of them now. We were at a cook-out last weekend and he brought his own veggie burgers because "meat isn't healthy". I would venture to guess, however, that the heritage, grass fed, pastured, non-injected beef I eat is healthier than his veggie burger. I wish you could've seen his eyes bug out when I told him about commercially raised "free range" chickens, with their clipped/burned beaks. He really choked when I told him about commercial "free-range" chickens. I told him his assignment for next year is to grow ONE tomato plant in his yard; a cherry or grape tomato. He looked at me like I suggested he move to the woods and live in a lean-to. But, he's "organic", by golly!!


Funny if it wasn't so sad. It's bad enough to be vegan/vegetarian, but then to not even want to participate in the process. I guess to each his own, but I don't know how I would live without the "stuff" outside. If I get hungry I go out to the apple tree or blueberry bush or garden and see what's ripe (or even almost ripe) and get a snack. When the kids ask "What's to eat?" and the answer is, "I don't know. Go see what's ripe," I think you're doing it right.
Funny if it wasn't so sad. It's bad enough to be vegan/vegetarian, but then to not even want to participate in the process. I guess to each his own, but I don't know how I would live without the "stuff" outside. If I get hungry I go out to the apple tree or blueberry bush or garden and see what's ripe (or even almost ripe) and get a snack. When the kids ask "What's to eat?" and the answer is, "I don't know. Go see what's ripe," I think you're doing it right.

I pretty much raised my kids the same way, only it was in Miami so it was tomatoes, beans, etc. When just toddlers, I had them help me plant beans; I'd make a hole and they'd stick the seed in it. Later, I found out the reason I wasn't getting as many beans as I thought I should was because the kids were eating them raw right in the garden. So, they're now thrilled that mom has moved to the mountains and has her own chickens, apples, blueberries, etc. When my son visits from Atlanta, he "snacks" in the yard, just like your kids do. It's his favorite place to food shop. My daughter is a photographer and grew up looking at my Gourmet magazines, so now she takes photos of foods all over the world. Both kids have the healthiest diets I've ever seen and food plays an important part in their lives.

In my house, activities with the kids centered around food; growing it, picking it, preserving it, planning how to use it, cooking it, and reading about it. Today, my younger friends' activities with their kids center around entertainment: sports, movies, games, computers, theme parks, vacations, etc. Food is an afterthought, bought as heavily processed by factories, pre-prepared by the grocery store, or picked up on the fly from fast-food chains; anything to stop the hunger pangs.

I wonder how this is all going to pan out when their kids are grown?

You go, girl!!! Wish more moms today shared your attitude about food.
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Quote: I grew up stealing the sweet peas from the garden & eating them by the handfulls...LOL My grandfather was laughing at me a couple weeks ago when I was standing there poppin open pods & eating fresh peas while I was talking to him as we pulled weeds. My oldest son just turned 18 a little over a week ago so that gives you an idea of MY age!!! He told me I was worse than the great-grandkids...LOL
my earliest memory with food is eating concord grapes off the vine in the backyard with my Grandad. Thanks for making me remember that... my second food memory is eating fried eggs... my gang turned 20 weeks old today, so maybe soon I will enjoy thinking about THAT memory while I eat some super fresh eggs!!!
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