Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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margarine. Do you know how it came to be? It was originally formulated as an industrial feed for factory farmed turkeys. Well, when they fed it to the turkeys, they all DIED. So they have all this left over by-product, what to do with it? Add food coloring and flavoring and chemicals and !market it for HUMAN consumption...oh and tell them it's "healthier" than butter! But first we must make natural fat the enemy (come to find out it's healthier to eat full-fat rather than low fat or no fat alternatives!)
You can't be serious. No one would intentionally poison us and tell us it's healthy...Would they...? I'm seriously freaking out now. That is terrifying, especially since I had margarine for years before we switched to real butter because it's cheaper and isn't made with oil. Who knows what else might have been fed to animals with negative effects and then given to us!

Don't worry, the turkey thing is a myth. It was invented in the 1800s after Napoleon offered a reward for anybody who could come up with a good alternative to butter for his troops. Do some Google searches if you're interested. There's a surprisingly large amount of info out there on the history of margarine.
That's good to know! Thanks, I was really scared for a minute there! I should have known better.

If that story was true, considering the number of people who consume, and who have consumed margarine in the past, there would be a lot fewer people running around than there are. I don't use margarine, but that is personal choice. It is not because I think it is poisonous.
Yesterday at my tsc getting chicks. I had this man tell me I didn't went pullet because they are mean. I told him pullets are girls he argued that no they we're just mean birds. It was barred rocks. So I tried to ignore his ignorance and got my 8 birds. I kid you not he and his wife followed me around the store to tell me how pullets were horrible birds and how unhappy I would be with them that hey have raised chickens all their life ect. So I told them pullets are the gender not the breed and if I wanted eggs I had to get pullets they then said no I could get different birds and get eggs I gave up there paid for my birds and left.
My friend also has chickens and people keep giving her hens when they decide they don't want them anymore. Recently someone gave her an Easter Egger and she lays cute little mint green eggs. Her husband won't eat them. He claims that his grandparents raised eggs for grocery stores and had thousands of chickens and when he was a kid, they told him that if a hen laid an egg that was green, it was poisonous and to throw it away.
He understands that the Easter Eggers eggs aren't poisonous, but says he can't get past the color.

I think his grandparents were pulling his leg, because even if the hen was sick, her eggs wouldn't change color.
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