Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I've had the older rooster leg meat taste (and feel) a little more like gizzard, but the breast meat and the young birds just tasted like a normal bird. They really are more suited for soup because of the size.
Its pretty much just a skin color difference, I personally havent had any, but I think the meat is also a little darker. They are a delicacy in Chine because of the dark skin, of course so are half incubated duck eggs.
The meat is much darker. The breasts on mine are kind of greyish but the legs were almost black. The black on the bones is the odd part to me. I had to save a few to take to mom.

It's supposed to have more antioxidants in it than regular chicken.
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I've had a coworker ask if a green shell egg had green yolk.

I was telling my dad I wanted marans and showed pic of the chocolate brown eggs - he then asked what color would the yolk be.

I was telling my coworker you can buy fertile eggs from grocery store and hatch them (something I learned here) and she went on and on about she would never eat fertile eggs b/c it's a chick. And....I had to remind her she has more than likely eaten fertile eggs before as her grandmother had chickens when she was little and I have given her eggs from my former flock that had plenty of roosters.
The meat is much darker. The breasts on mine are kind of greyish but the legs were almost black. The black on the bones is the odd part to me. I had to save a few to take to mom.

It's supposed to have more antioxidants in it than regular chicken.
I just can't do silkies. I can't butcher them for one :p I don't have anything against others doing it, but I have plenty of regular chicken chicken that is much harder to sell than boy silkies.
My neighbor once said that chickens will fly away in the early hours of the morning to forage for food and will return home at noon,kind of like homing pigeons. I told him I do not think chickens will fly high in the sky for a long distance and i doubt they return home because once there gone they are gone.
My neighbor once said that chickens will fly away in the early hours of the morning to forage for food and will return home at noon,kind of like homing pigeons. I told him I do not think chickens will fly high in the sky for a long distance and i doubt they return home because once there gone they are gone.
Maybe Guinea Hens? Chickens do not go that far from their coop usually.
This thread is AWESOME!!! I finally finished reading it, after working on 10 to 25 pages a day. So around 2 weeks of reading.

I have got a pretty funny thing that was said to me today.

I just started back to college for the spring semester, and in PHED class, the professor had us introduce ourselves and tell something unique about ourselves. Mine was I have a flock of 19 chickens. The other students was like, "Cool!"
Afterwards I while I was gathering my papers and such, a young man asked me if I had any fighting chickens. I said, "No, I am not to crazy about that particular breed." He asked me what kind of chickens I had, any white egg layers or brown egg layers. I told him both. He thought I just had leghorns, barred rocks, and rhode island reds. I said yes, + a few silkies, black sexlinks, and some barnyard mixes. He was was like, "That is SO cool!"

This was pretty funny. I giggled silently, and smiled.
I got my first chicks the first week of August(after lots and lots of research) and they stayed in my bathtub until they were about 10 weeks old. Every week after I moved them outside my father in law would ask me if they are laying yet. I kept explaining that they were too young still and it would be at least December and possible spring. I tried to explain the number of hours of light in the day and how that effects egg laying, ect. He wouldn't hear it. He said "they won't lay without laying mash. You feed them laying mash and they will start" Urgh
I gave up trying to explain. I put them on the layer pellets at 19 weeks and after that when he asked I replied "guess they didn't get that memo" lol

btw, my first(a barred rock) started laying at 21 weeks but I'm still patiently waiting on the other 8.
Love some of the posts on this thread
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