Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Quote: Unintentional funny a lot of people commit, forgive my english-nazi post here, but quite a few people tend to say 'defiantly' instead of 'definitely'... It makes things accidentally funny, the context it gets used in, lol!
Chooks4life, lol I couldn't spell my way out of a paper bag, I'm completely dependent on auto correct so you will have to take it up with the good folks at Apple lol
The mosquito is our state bird. A tent keeps them out for the most part. The last time we were camping in a tent we had a forecast of isolated thunderstorms. Well that isolated thunderstorm stayed over us all night with high winds that blew the rain under the rain tarp. We had over 2" of water in the tent.
We used to wake up with snow on the sleeping bags. Our family often camped to go deer hunting so it was in the late fall. We snuggled inside our quilt enhanced sleeping bags while the adults got a fire going and made breakfast. I always pulled my clothes and coat inside the sleeping bag to get dressed for the day because it was so much warmer! lol. Oh fun times!
combining the subjects, im a much better camper than a speller. I could be fairly efficient taking care of myself in the woods with very little. now taking care of 8 would present a sort of challenge. I was always great in math and science, not so great in history. as for spelling, one of my most embarrassing schooldays moments was when my 5th grade teacher pointed out (to the entire class) I spelled used "yoused".
combining the subjects, im a much better camper than a speller. I could be fairly efficient taking care of myself in the woods with very little. now taking care of 8 would present a sort of challenge. I was always great in math and science, not so great in history. as for spelling, one of my most embarrassing schooldays moments was when my 5th grade teacher pointed out (to the entire class) I spelled used "yoused".

Sounds like me 100%, had honors in Math and Science but could not spell to save my life! The word that took me the longest to learn was oddly "girl"
to this day, for some reason in my head it just does not look right, but know it is because everyone tells me it is. I spell phonically, kind of like "yoused", that would make sense in my head. The English language has way to many rules that conflict with itself. Guess that is why I like Math and Science better, the rules are the rules!!!! I love spell check!
My mother insists that if I got a rooster with the hens I'm going to get we'd have to candle every egg because otherwise we'd end up breaking them open and finding chicks. I keep telling her that they can't develop if the hens don't sit on them. You'd think a woman with a BS in Biology would know better.
Quote: I had no intent to disparage anyone, I always say some of the smartest people I know cannot spell to save their lives. I'm a firm believer that if someone is noticeably weaker in any one skill it is because often there is another unusually well developed skill hogging all the processing power. :p

That said, I did think it might be autocorrect at work, but it's still funny often when people use 'defiant' as 'definite' just because those two words swap well. (One I liked recently was someone saying they're 'defiantly' Scottish. That works no matter how they meant it, lol!)

I've got both language-strong and maths-strong siblings and never the twain shall share the same brain. Excessive talent itself is mental unbalance by definition. (And that's ok).
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I used to be a chef (now stay at home mom and chicken/sheep/rabbit/dog raiser), and one of the things I had to do occasionally was go out to the dining room and speak to people who asked to see me, usually to give complaints or comments. One day, I got the following question:

"Oh, you are the chef?"
in my head: "What gave it away, the white coat, the apron, or the hat?"
what I said: "Yes, I am the chef, how do you like our food this evening?"

It's great, but my wife and I were wondering if you could tell us how to make chicken nuggets that taste just like McDonalds?"
in my head: "Sure, you just take a very very sharp boning knife, and carve out your soul, then you take a whole chicken, beak, feathers and all, and stick it in a giant blender with some texturized vegetable protein.....No, no I can't tell you how to...People are trying to eat here!.... OMG, give me back the wonderful food i just made for you, it is too good for you!"
What I said: "Ah, I believe it is a secret recipe, I am sorry about that."
Unintentional funny a lot of people commit, forgive my english-nazi post here, but quite a few people tend to say 'defiantly' instead of 'definitely'... It makes things accidentally funny, the context it gets used in, lol!

I actually saw that same error twice in the same day, here and on another forum site. It's getting to be a very popular error.
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