Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I was asking a friend if her rooster was. Back in with the hens & whether or not her eggs were fertile. She said they must be because Spot was taking his job very seriously. Another friend said, "You mean roosters actually mate with the hens? I thought they just had to pee or whatever on the eggs."
I get the misunderstanding, have heard it several times before, the part I find funny is that people think Chickens are more like fish, than mammals when it comes to breeding, I mean even reptiles and insects do the dirty right?

Are there any other types of animals that reproduce without s*x, other than fish? I am asking that seriously, would love to learn something new.
Actually, technically "milt" belongs to fishes and not of frogs. But, I agree, it is a (more) pleasant word for what it is....
A word for the amphibian sexual embrace is "amplexus" where the male grasps the female from behind (dorsally) and locks on and doesn't release until oviposition (egg release) is complete.

(science geeks rejoice!)
Apparently your definition of a menstrual cycle and mine is different. Heat cycles are not menstrual cycles. Ovulation cycles are not menstrual cycles.

Ahh yes I've been reading about it, I mean oestrous cycles. All mammals have oestrous cycles, and the only difference is the method used to dispose of the uterine lining. This is a terminology issue created by A level biology haha
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