Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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My grandma heard that we were getting chickens and asked "How would we get eggs if we didn't have a rooster?" I suppose the hen is just useless now.

I ALWAYS get that question! Who started that? Why does EVERYBODY think that? That is probably the most popular misconception about chickens. That and "a chicken is a girl and a rooster is a boy"
I know right?
once I showed a picture of my ducklings to my friend:

friend: aww those are really cute chicks!

Me: they are ducklings!

F: really?




I took a picture of a sparrow and showed it to her:

F: is that a duckling???


F: oh.

[ I turned and walked away]

M: muttered: am I the only one who knows what an animal even is!!!
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when I was a girl I liked to feed the ducks in the park, one day I saw some kids throwing rocks at the ducks.. "stop that!" I yelled- their mom came running and said "what is going on?" I said they are throwing rocks at the ducks!" She said "they are only ducks." I did tell the ranger and she got potty mouthed with him and he kicked her out.
Most cattle in Ireland aren't fed grain, they graze during the summer and eat silage during the winter. Some farmers will feed cattle rations for a while at the last few stages of grown just to get some fat through the meat. Very few would be fed on grains if any. I have also heard of some cattle being fed completely on potatoes.

I am sure they do. But I would be willing to bet your Irish milk cows are not giving over a hundred pounds of milk a day, either. That is a little over 11 gallons, by the way. Some Holsteins I milked gave even more than that. Jerseys from the island of Jersey would probably do fine without grain. But the Jerseys I am used to from the central valley of California cannot. Why? Because they are very different from the cattle to be found in Jersey. They started out the same but because of selective breeding they are much larger, leaner, longer, and give way, way more milk than their island counterparts. Personally, I would like to have a Jersey cow like those found on Jersey. The are a nice small size, I wouldn't need a machine to milk her, and she would give me just two or three gallons of milk a day, not seven or eight.

For the record, if your silage is corn silage, it has grain in it, and potatoes are very high in energy.
when I was a girl I liked to feed the ducks in the park, one day I saw some kids throwing rocks at the ducks.. "stop that!" I yelled- their mom came running and said "what is going on?" I said they are throwing rocks at the ducks!" She said "they are only ducks." I did tell the ranger and she got potty mouthed with him and he kicked her out.

I hear that all the time about my dogs from parents who don't like them off the lead in the park or country. All I want to do is walk my dogs in peace, yet I always seem to bump into some stupid person occasionally dragging a screaming, snotty child on a "walk" that usually is dropping litter, kicking things & just being generally disrespectful. Then when it starts chasing my dogs or being abusive to my dogs as we pass, I get the blame for walking MY dogs past THEIR child!
For the record guys, I have two fully trained dogs with outstanding personalities, no aggression at all. Usually during these "conversations" the child starts screaming or chasing & poking the dogs in some way or throwing things.

Them: Those dogs shouldn't be off the lead around our children!"

Me: "What!?! Why!?! They aren't doing anything."

Them: "Because they poo & dogs are dangerous."

Me: So, I can't walk them here, then where am I supposed to walk them?"

Them: "They are only dogs. They don't need to be walked & let loose to run riot."

Me: "They are just kids & for the record those dogs are far better behaved!"

I know some dogs are dangerous, but seriously, I feel persecuted everytime. I'm a responsible owner, their kids are usually spoilt, screeching little horrors.

And then you get the normal parents who have quiet children strolling along behind them & who just smile as they pass. Nice, normal people. Why can't every parent be like that?

I'm waiting for the Chickens VS Children laws, were we are all expected to keep our livestock locked up on our land incase some bratty child loses an eye to a rooster.

And, yes, I actually like kids. I just don't like THOSE kids!
I live by a resort, and once by a lake I saw a mom in a row boat with one kid, and the other kid was on the dock crying saying "it's my turn for quality time!WHAAAA!" and the mom said no. it is still Julie's turn. the kid in the boat went "WHAAA! Jeffrey is wrecking MY quality time!WHAAAA!" both kids were about 12.
I hear that all the time about my dogs from parents who don't like them off the lead in the park or country. All I want to do is walk my dogs in peace, yet I always seem to bump into some stupid person occasionally dragging a screaming, snotty child on a "walk" that usually is dropping litter, kicking things & just being generally disrespectful. Then when it starts chasing my dogs or being abusive to my dogs as we pass, I get the blame for walking MY dogs past THEIR child!
For the record guys, I have two fully trained dogs with outstanding personalities, no aggression at all. Usually during these "conversations" the child starts screaming or chasing & poking the dogs in some way or throwing things.

Them: Those dogs shouldn't be off the lead around our children!"

Me: "What!?! Why!?! They aren't doing anything."

Them: "Because they poo & dogs are dangerous."

Me: So, I can't walk them here, then where am I supposed to walk them?"

Them: "They are only dogs. They don't need to be walked & let loose to run riot."

Me: "They are just kids & for the record those dogs are far better behaved!"

I know some dogs are dangerous, but seriously, I feel persecuted everytime. I'm a responsible owner, their kids are usually spoilt, screeching little horrors.

And then you get the normal parents who have quiet children strolling along behind them & who just smile as they pass. Nice, normal people. Why can't every parent be like that?

I'm waiting for the Chickens VS Children laws, were we are all expected to keep our livestock locked up on our land incase some bratty child loses an eye to a rooster.

And, yes, I actually like kids. I just don't like THOSE kids!

Hey, I can relate. I had a Black Lab that didn't need a leash. He would follow me and stop when I did and would sit ,stay or what ever. He liked people but wouldn't lick or jump up on them. He loved being petted and his ear scratched. Man, I wish I had that dog again. He died at 16 years.
I live by a resort, and once by a lake I saw a mom in a row boat with one kid, and the other kid was on the dock crying saying "it's my turn for quality time!WHAAAA!" and the mom said no. it is still Julie's turn. the kid in the boat went "WHAAA! Jeffrey is wrecking MY quality time!WHAAAA!" both kids were about 12.

My belt needs quality time with them.
Animals can and do get sick even though they are raised in a clean healthy environment. A clean environmet and good nutrition will minimize health problems but will not eliminate them. Cows on pasture can and do get mastitis, grass tetany, milk fever, bloat, foot rot, pink eye, pneumonia, Johnes, brucellosis, warbles, tick fever, warts, and that is just what immediately comes to mind. Most dairy cattle cannot produce without grain. There are some Shorthorns in Australia I read about that can get by with minimal grain, but I don't think they are producing 30,000 pounds of milk in ten months either. If a milk cow does not get adequate nutrition she robs her own body to maintain milk production as long as she can. Most of the people proclaiming what is "natural" for cows or other livestock have not raised any large numbers of them and quite frankly, in most cases, they don't know what they are talking about. Raising two or three beeves does not an expert make. Neither does reading books and not having hands on experience. Modern livestock isn't "natural" anyway. They have been selectively bred over a course of many years for certain characteristics. If you want to raise a purely natural meat animal, get a buffalo.
the organic dairy where I get my milk (they sell beef too) is ALL grass fed. they obviously dont produce as much milk as a grain fed cow but they are all grass fed and are super healthy.
so it is possible with great attention to detail.

check em' out. "working cows dairy in slocomb, al"
When i visited Buenos Aires and toured some of the working ranches they took pride in not having any grain fed animals. While they have begun to use feedlots more because of the economy, 20% of Argentinas production is grass fed.
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