Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Reading from this thread is so fun, haha! I've been lucky (or maybe unlucky?) to have not caught much grief from others about my chickens. Most are pretty impressed by the way they are flourishing. I've had a couple interesting conversations with people, though.

My City Slicker Aunt

Me: Hey, Tia! We were gonna stop by the condo while you're down from Dallas. Would you like us to bring you some eggs so you don't have to go down to the store? The prices are kinda high there.

Tia: Um...no, no, no, it's okay! We were going to buy a dozen while we were out. Just in case.

Me:...Just in case?

Tia: Well..yeah, just in case. I'm not sure if I can eat the eggs from your chickens because...well...what if we get sick?


Tia: ...

Me: Tia, I don't know what kind of crazy strong immune system you think I have, but these eggs won't make you sick. They're eggs. Salmonella-free, ready to be eaten, totally safe. And look at the tiny egg shells!

Tia: ....

Me: Never mind.


Dad: That rooster....is mating with the duck.

Me: *looks over at mating birds and turns away* Yup.

Dad: So...what's gonna happen now?

Me: What do you mean?

Dad: Well, are they going to reproduce or is there going to be a chicken/duck hybrid?

Me: *Thinks, "Oh no, Dad wants me to give him the poultry sex talk!"* No Dad, they don't make anything. The rooster doesn't have the right...parts.

Dad: Oh. Well, that's interesting.

My neighbors for the most part love my chickens (and the extra eggs that are passed over the fence) but one neighbor:

N: when did you get chickens?

me: about 2 years ago

N: chickens are noisy and filthy and smelly

me: um, when did you notice my hens?

N: I never noticed them. Someone told me you had chickens

me: so you've never heard them or smelled them?

N: no but chickens are smelly and noisy

me: oh, OK... well, let me know if you ever hear or smell them.
Meanwhile would you like to be on the "extra egg list"?

N: eeew, NO!
My neighbors for the most part love my chickens (and the extra eggs that are passed over the fence) but one neighbor:

N: when did you get chickens?

me: about 2 years ago

N: chickens are noisy and filthy and smelly

me: um, when did you notice my hens?

N: I never noticed them. Someone told me you had chickens

me: so you've never heard them or smelled them?

N: no but chickens are smelly and noisy

me: oh, OK... well, let me know if you ever hear or smell them.
Meanwhile would you like to be on the "extra egg list"?

N: eeew, NO!

I would hate to have a neighbor like that! I'm so lucky to have neighbors that like our chickens and our eggs. I think they enjoy the variety it brings (plus, I'm pretty sure one believes the "End" is coming so she appreciates that I have them and am planning a garden). Plus, I give baskets of eggs and herbs as birthday presents. Nothing tastes better than a homemade quiche with homegrown ingredients, hehe!
My neighbor across the street, makes it a point to ask about the chickens. "Getting any eggs?" He was quite impressed with the coop I made, brought his daughter over to take a tour. When I ended up with 5 roosters last spring, I asked him if the crowing bothered him. "No, I grew up on a farm... I like it." Well OK, since he's the closest neighbor, I guess I didn't have to worry too much about the crowing, but it was driving us crazy! Then, I went out one morning to see him standing at the end of his driveway crowing back at my roosters! So, the roosters went to freezer camp the following weekend. The next time I saw the neighbor, I asked him if he noticed there was no more crowing. He was actually disappointed that they were gone!
I would put my roosters in a night box. so you would not hear them crow. unfortunately my close neighbor thought my roosters were keeping him up when it was a diff. neighbor 2 doors down. but he could see my chickens and not the other persons. I took out my roosters and my finger, they sewed it back, just to prove a point if he still heard roosters it wasn't me. but now I just have roosters. I still night box them though.
Alright I've got a few from today. My highschool FFA program set up a petting zoo for kids from the local elementary school. When the kids and their parents started showing up, they saw me with all of the poultry and waterfowl (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc). And I had parents asking me the most stupid questions about the birds.
Parent: how do you keep ducks in your neighborhood?

Me: what do you mean?

Parent: well they crow so loud, I don't understand how it doesn't irritate the neighbors.

Me: ducks don't crow...

Parent: of course they do! I grew up on a farm.

Me: ...

Parent: so do your chickens lay eggs?

Me: yeah they do.

Parent: what do you do with them?

Me: well I eat them.

Parent: how can you eat those eggs?!?!?

Me: why wouldn't I be able to?

Parent: because they are brown eggs! They come out of a chickens butt!

Me: okay... So do you not eat eggs then?

Parent: well of course I do. I eat the white eggs made in the store.

Me: (speechless)

I don't know where people come up with these things... :th
I had a couple over for lunch and she was watching my chickens outside and saw my black cooper marans and was amazed that there were black chickens. Her husband "just like there are black people!" It was too funny I still pick on her about it!
My neighbors for the most part love my chickens (and the extra eggs that are passed over the fence) but one neighbor:

N: when did you get chickens?

me: about 2 years ago

N: chickens are noisy and filthy and smelly

me: um, when did you notice my hens?

N: I never noticed them. Someone told me you had chickens

me: so you've never heard them or smelled them?

N: no but chickens are smelly and noisy

me: oh, OK... well, let me know if you ever hear or smell them.
Meanwhile would you like to be on the "extra egg list"?

N: eeew, NO!
I had chickens a couple years before my neighbors knew.
No one has made an issue, most like the chickens and roosters. When I do have extras, I give them to 3 of the neighbors.
The neighbor that lives behind me on about 20 acres has about a 1500 foot driveway. It goes along one whole side of my property, then across the entire back and then onto her property winding to her house. So to get to her house, someone has to drive past all of my chicken coops. She had her beautiful house for sale for a while without a sale. I hope she doesn't blame me but so far she's been civil. (she gets half the eggs I give away)

I had a couple over for lunch and she was watching my chickens outside and saw my black cooper marans and was amazed that there were black chickens. Her husband "just like there are black people!" It was too funny I still pick on her about it!
For a long time I had a colorful mixed flock, now all but 2 are black.
My part of town has a racial mix of about 50/50 black and white. One of the guys I used to work with(who is black) lives about a block away and comes over to visit on occasion. When there are other people here, he always says, "look, he's not prejudice, he has black chickens."
I work at a store that sells chicks and i try hard to research every breed etc to make sure i know what the heck i am talking about but i have quit trying to convince people that their crazy notions are wrong. My favorites are: that you have to have a rooster to have eggs, that their chickens ALWAYS lay 3 eggs a day EACH! I have no problem with it if people just haven't been around chickens and are actually receptive to learn but most of them wont even listen. And some of these people breed chickens and sell them! Ughhhh!
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