Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Of course you can tell whose egg it is .... you're their MOTHER!

Not to mention a mother always recognizes the sound of her own baby's cry, even in a room full of kids! My neighbors always crack up when I point to the eggs and name the hen that laid each. I recognize their egg songs, too. Blanche is my loudest.
hahaha, before my girls laid I thought "how in the heck am I going to know which hen laid which egg?"
Until one day, my little pullet started acting kind of funny. I know who lays which egg because I sit next to the nest box while they lay it! I don't know whether I'm a human rooster or a chicken midwife.
My boy friend is simply amazed that I can tell him which rooster is crowing. He says they all sound the same to him.

Same... Also i can tell our four new chickens apart.. My brother doesnt understand... Its because we have lots of reds and they all look the same to him!
Not to mention a mother always recognizes the sound of her own baby's cry, even in a room full of kids! My neighbors always crack up when I point to the eggs and name the hen that laid each. I recognize their egg songs, too. Blanche is my loudest.
Exactly! I can tell who is making a squawk, and I have 15 chickens! For me, it's either Cinnamon or Ginger that has the loudest egg song.
hahaha, before my girls laid I thought "how in the heck am I going to know which hen laid which egg?"
Until one day, my little pullet started acting kind of funny. I know who lays which egg because I sit next to the nest box while they lay it! I don't know whether I'm a human rooster or a chicken midwife.

When my girls first started laying, every time I heard the egg song I would go down to the hen house and look to see what the egg of the HIQ singer looked like. Ultimately, I learned who laid what. Now, I spot them easily. Don't think I would have the patience to sit next to the nest box and wait for action.,
When my girls first started laying, every time I heard the egg song I would go down to the hen house and look to see what the egg of the HIQ  singer looked like. Ultimately, I learned who laid what. Now, I spot them easily. Don't think I would have the patience to sit next to the nest box and wait for action.,
my girl wasn't feeling very well, coming into lay has been rough on her. I think it may be because she is a bantam mixed with some sort of large white egg layer. She has white/pink earlobes, but she's very small.
So as a worried mother, I've sat with her and encouraged her. I've had to soak her a couple times. I'm not sure if it really made any difference, but both times I've done it, she laid her egg about 3 hours later. Her last egg was about twice the size of her first egg and she had difficulty on the final push, very different to the first few times when she just stood up and the egg fell out as she did so.
She's my favorite chicken and the only one left of the original three I got (other two were boys) and she seeks me out for cuddles and affection...I just don't think I'd get that from another chicken.
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Don't worry about it! It does sound awkward fo me to be at an all girls party.
But it actually wasn't because all her other friends are my friends to. I have more friends that are girls. I am not gay, I just think the maturity levels between boys and girls are VERY different.
That is so true home slice!!
Same... Also i can tell our four new chickens apart.. My brother doesnt understand... Its because we have lots of reds and they all look the same to him!

I have 7 new girls, 1 pair of buff orps, 1 pair of Speckled Sussex, 1 pair of EEs (or Americaunas) and a single black Australorp. The 2 EEs are easy to tell apart, but the 2 orps and 2 Sussex look very similar. I have, however, learned to tell them apart (to my son's consternation - when I named them to my neighbor, he rolled his eyes because he thinks his mom is nuts). Trixie is slightly smaller and lighter than Wanda plus Wanda's wings are almost 2 toned. Margaret has a white feather buried in each wing that Eggatha doesn't have. No problem. It's like parents who can tell their identical twins apart.
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I have 7 new girls, 1 pair of buff orps, 1 pair of Speckled Sussex, 1 pair of EEs (or Americaunas) and a single black Australorp. The 2 EEs are easy to tell apart, but the 2 orps and 2 Sussex look very similar. I have, however, learned to tell them apart (to my son's consternation - when I named them to my neighbor, he rolled his eyes because he thinks his mom is nuts). Trixie is slightly smaller and lighter than Wanda plus Wanda's wings are almost 2 toned. Margaret has a white feather buried in each wing that Eggatha doesn't have. No problem. It's like parents who can tell their identical twins apart.

Shouldn't you be able to tell by the sex?
This is an issue is you want a white cake. My brothers complained one Christmas that the cheesecake was a funny yellow because of my egg yolks. They still ate it though. Mom has to go buy store eggs if she's doing a white cake. If it's just something for her she uses my eggs.

Nope just normal sponges and whatnot. Doesn't matter right now because we have 21 chooks and ZERO eggs!:barnie
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