Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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While some genetically modified food and pesticides are bad, ironically, you'd assume most fruits and vegetables that are 100% natural would be worse for you considering they don't want to be eaten and would've evolved to be a bit more.. unedible.

Actually, good taste is adaptive and plants evolved to taste sweet or flavorful to insure reproduction. Many fruits and veggies rely on birds and/or animals to excrete their seeds in order to reproduce, which is the main goal of every living thing ... perpetuation of the species. That's why many plants die off once they have gone to seed (annuals permanently, perennials for the season) ... their job is done and they're making way for new plants (or new seeds, in the case of perennials).

Some seeds have to go through a digestive tract before they can germinate. Others rely on birds and animals pooping out their seeds to ensure wider distribution of them. Otherwise, their seedlings would be limited to growing in large clusters where the fruit fell at the roots of the parent plant. Consequently, most good tasting foods have evolved that way to make them appealing to birds an animals so the species will continue on.

Distribution by being eaten is only one method. Another is wind, such as with corn, wheat, or maple trees.

More worthless trivia, compliments of 7 Biddies who, at one time, studied botany.
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You've got to knead it enough; 20 minutes or so, until it feels as soft as a baby's bottom. It's hard to over knead it - you'll probably tire out, first.

the recipe I use is no knead and it's absolutely wonderful! My wrists couldn't handle it if I had to leaf it lol. The only down side is you have to plan ahead some it takes roughly 21 goes total from start to finish. A lot of settle and rise time.
the recipe I use is no knead and it's absolutely wonderful! My wrists couldn't handle it if I had to leaf it lol. The only down side is you have to plan ahead some it takes roughly 21 goes total from start to finish. A lot of settle and rise time.

Sounds interesting. But, kneading is such a productive way of getting out your frustration. At the end of the process, you feel better, and you have lovely bread to eat, too!

(Besides, I'm not that organized.)
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Actually, good taste is adaptive and plants evolved to taste sweet or flavorful to insure reproduction. Many fruits and veggies rely on birds and/or animals to excrete their seeds in order to reproduce, which is the main goal of every living thing ... perpetuation of the species. That's why many plants die off once they have gone to seed (annuals permanently, perennials for the season) ... their job is done and they're making way for new plants (or new seeds, in the case of perennials).

Some seeds have to go through a digestive tract before they can germinate. Others rely on birds and animals pooping out their seeds to ensure wider distribution of them. Otherwise, their seedlings would be limited to growing in large clusters where the fruit fell at the roots of the parent plant. Consequently, most good tasting foods have evolved that way to make them appealing to birds an animals so the species will continue on.

Distribution by being eaten is only one method. Another is wind, such as with corn, wheat, or maple trees.

More worthless trivia, compliments of 7 Biddies who, at one time, studied botany.

Nice! Very cool topic ( botany )
Boy oh boy, I seem to run into them. I got ANOTHER for this thread, though it's not about chickens but meat rabbits. I was telling someone else that I get meat rabbits for cheap or free off of Craigslist, and this drooling Muppet interjected and freaked out on me.

Histrionic City-slicker: off of craiglist? you ******* piece of ****! that's probably someoen giving away a PET you ******! I'm reporting you to police and animal protection you piece of trash

Me: Yah-hum. Feel free. Not that you bothered to ask before you jumped to that conclusion, but the people I source from are advertising MEAT rabbits specifically, and they are aware when I pick them up what I intend to use them for. So go right ahead and bother the police and waste their time, and enjoy the hefty fine they give you for abusing 911.

Histrionic City-slicker: haha loser I know it's not 911 you call for trash like you but the non-emergency line! it's obvious you're not only cruel but you are dumb as well. You're like the serial killers, they all start by killing innocent animals first. I'm sure you're planning your first human victim soon you butcher. And yeah ******' right people actually post on craigslist that they are giving away free meat rabbits.

Me: Your histrionics are quite amusing. Please, feel free to keep going.

Histrionic City-slicker: no thanks loser I don't entertain heartless murderers like you. Your cruelty will come back one day b/c all that goes around comes around and one day you will be the rabbit you scum bag

Me: Then I'm totally coming back as the rabbit from Monty Python. Then I can eat vegans!
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The no knead breads are pretty nice to make, you don't even have to do all that flouring and rolling into a ball. I just make the dough in the evening, and in the morning I pour it into a oiled cast iron pot that I've preheated. About half an hour with the lid on at 450F and another half an hour without the lid and you've got a nice bread.
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