Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Kendra's vaccination schedule is also tailored to her special needs. She spends a lot of time in double casts - plaster from toes to hip and fiberglass over that on both legs. She has neurological issues as well stemming from her Spina Bifida - hydrocephalus and seizures are just a few. High fevers in a child with that combination are doubly dangerous. She is highly prone to febrile seizures if she runs a fever. Her doctors said that the key word in that schedule is the word "Recommended". I know that vaccines are very controversial. We've seen both sides of that nickle right here within just this small population of members....my feeling is that as long as I am in relatively good health, strong, and well able to tolerate them then I will get them as needed. As I said, it's not so much for my protection as it is for the protection of the people I love. If I can't get it, I can't spread it.

Happy to report that Scout is learning to be a chicken. Mom had him out of the nest and into the brooder cage last night and he was having a great time! He's so doggone cute! Katie and I were watching him through the window as Agatha showed him how to eat and she asked me, "How does she already know what to do? It's our first baby." The wonder in her eyes overshadowed any dumb thing folks have said to me about raising chickens.

And now I have my answer when I get that constant question - "Why on earth would you want to raise chickens of all things?" I'm just going to smile and say, "Because Katie gets it."

Well, perhaps that was a bit harshly worded, and like hennible says, a bad attempt at being funny, but there are many vaccinations that actually help keep serious illnesses at bay. People live in such densely populated areas nowadays, that if everyone would stop getting vaccinated, it would not take long for some sort of epidemic to erupt. The reference to CIA mind control was meant to point to the people who unconditionally believe all vaccines to be 100% harmful. I'll be the first person to admit that there are also vaccines that are unnecessary.

If you are one of these people who think so, I would genuinely be interested in hearing what you have to say about the matter. What would be the benefit of the polio vaccine never being developed?
The point is that aside from the potential harm that can come from vaccines, those who look into vaccines often find that vaccines can be far less effective than the medical establishment would like you to believe. Polio was already in decline when the vaccine was introduced.

Another thing to look at is that while vaccines for things like chicken pox only give temporary immunity (if they work they way they are supposed to), getting the disease gives lifetime immunity, and getting chicken pox and some other diseases can be more dangerous as an adult than as a child.

Add to that all the extras that they put in the vaccines that can cause problems, and you come to my biggest problem with vaccines, the dishonesty of the medical industry when it comes to vaccines. Vaccines are regularly portrayed as being completely safe, even though it is known that vaccines can have some serious side effects. I don't feel that I can trust what is said about any vaccines, which makes it hard for me to justify giving my children any vaccines.

All I'm saying is that I like people to investigate things for themselves. I don't care what the issue is, whether it's 9/11 conspiracy theories, Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, JFK, Vaccines, or anything where the government says one thing and a decent number believe something else. I just wish people would research things themselves and at least try to understand the view of the other side before attacking the other side. So many people make vitriolic attacks on those who believe certain things when they clearly have never even looked into the issues. And btw, I'm not saying I buy into all of these conspiracy theories either. I just like to look into things before making up my mind.
Well said, ChaoSS. And as long as you look into it yourself and make an informed decision, I don't have anything against that. Most people I've met that start talking about being against vaccinating, have not been the sharpest spoon in the drawer, and have clearly only read a very one sided explanation of why vaccines are evil off of the internet, written by a very uninformed person. And I find it scary that uninformed people can gather so much following, that's why I feel that I have to stand up for my beliefs sometimes too. I think you were on a certain dairy thread a while back as well, that was a scary look into how some people think.
I used to work in pharmaceutical research -- clinical trials. I learned a lot about vaccines and their position in the industry, how they are made, and how "Big Pharma" makes all it's money.

Long story short, you have nothing to worry about with vaccines, but a lot to worry about not giving them. The most heartbreaking thing I saw in my former profession was a 5 year old boy who's mother chose not to vaccinate. He ended up with complications from measles and went completely blind. :(
Sounds like your doctor is using a controlled approach to giving your daughter immunizations, I once had a co-worker whom had epilepsy and rarely had an occurrence due to her medication was prescribed to her. but three years in a row, after several of not having flu shots and only 1 or 2 mild seizures in 10 -12 years she had major seizures within a week of the flu shot, so she and her mother told the doctor they'd take the chance and not get the flu shot for her (the rest of the family made sure to get theirs tho) and that was the end of her seizures for a few more years.
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