Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Your daughter is one of the few exceptions to the rule, some people have trouble with the regular tetness shot (I know I spelled that wrong sorry) but the regular shot is derived from horse blood, if someone is allergic to it, they get a human blood based version. there are exceptions to every rule, but by and large most people should be and could be vaccinated. the few people whom can't or won't are the ones that suffer the consequences of that decision.

Exactly, well said!
The reason I won't get flu shots......
#1 recently sterilized lots of people! That is messed up.
#2 does anyone know how they really got rid of polio? There was one place that had a polio problem so thy gave them "vaccines" actualy injecting them with the polio virus itself. That way anyone who could die from it died and everyone else lived and now there no more polio. BECAUSE they irradiated people who could get it. In my opinion that's just as messed up. Obviously they had different genes that could accept the virus and cause illness. Well what's to say because of that irradiation there's no more of those special genes left. Couldn't they have just foun a cure? And stop taking all the medical research money.

Also I have never been vaccinated to my knowledge. And I am healthy as a bison :) and my dna is more unmutated. When I was little my parents didn't know about the dangers in gmo foods and chemicals found in lots of food but since I was 18 I haven't eaten fast food or really from many restaurants and have strived to eat only natural organic non gmo foods as often as possible. I believe it truly shows inside an out. Think about how many people are suffering from all kinds of diseases and conditions that can be cured and stopped by eating fresh unhanged food?! Seriously.
nsnbc.me does not look like a very trustworthy source of information to me. Their contact info and legal disclaimer pretty much make it clear that it isn't a serious news outlet. Using a gmail address and not being willing to stand behind what they publish makes me think that they don't really vet their sources...

Also I have never been vaccinated to my knowledge. And I am healthy as a bison :) and my dna is more unmutated. When I was little my parents didn't know about the dangers in gmo foods and chemicals found in lots of food but since I was 18 I haven't eaten fast food or really from many restaurants and have strived to eat only natural organic non gmo foods as often as possible. I believe it truly shows inside an out. Think about how many people are suffering from all kinds of diseases and conditions that can be cured and stopped by eating fresh unhanged food?! Seriously.

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& contributors."
Never heard of nsnbc.me but at least I know that page will be copyrighted for the next 61 years.
So, a lady walks up to a chicken farmer and says, "Do those chickens give you eggs?"
"Yep. I get fresh eggs from them every day."
The lady asks him, "Well, can I buy one?"
"You mean one dozen?"
There's a long pause and the lady says, "No, I just want one egg."
"Well, I don't sell eggs one at a time." drawls the farmer,
"Then I don't know what I'm going to do." whines the lady. "My husband is mad at me and said I was one egg short of a dozen. I was hoping to put it back before he got home."

That's just the quickest article I could pull up. I'll find the credible ones my boyfriend found previously. Neither of us have ever been vaccinated and never will. Like I said before healthy as a bison....it also might be the German in our blood lol. We don't get sick. I swear He aided 2 people with n1h1 back to health and never got it lol an I was there helping an also never got it. Must be the genes
So, a lady walks up to a chicken farmer and says, "Do those chickens give you eggs?"
"Yep.  I get fresh eggs from them every day."
The lady asks him, "Well, can I buy one?"
"You mean one dozen?"
There's a long pause and the lady says, "No, I just want one egg."
"Well, I don't sell eggs one at a time." drawls the farmer,
"Then I don't know what I'm going to do." whines the lady. "My husband is mad at me and said I was one egg short of a dozen.  I was hoping to put it back before he got home."


Bwaa haha ha

That's just the quickest article I could pull up. I'll find the credible ones my boyfriend found previously. Neither of us have ever been vaccinated and never will. Like I said before healthy as a bison....it also might be the German in our blood lol. We don't get sick. I swear He aided 2 people with n1h1 back to health and never got it lol an I was there helping an also never got it. Must be the genes

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