Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Can we get back to the forum topic..please ?

Thank you..from a reader
I am neither afraid or nuts. I stand by what I believe in and I believe in pure untainted food and natural medicines. If that means I'll drop dead from some crazy disease because I choose not to get a vaccine witch may harm me then so be it. Most of these diseases Are man made anyway.
I decided to stay out of any more conversations about this but I have to say this: It's fine that you don't mind dropping dead from crazy disease but it's pretty cold not to care how many people you'll spread it to before you do. I just pray one of those people isn't someone I love. I fail to see how a disease (polio) that's been around forever could have been man-made. We were still making fire with sticks and wearing raw animal skin clothing when some of these disease were around.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread and promise on my lucky star not to comment on anything except Dumb Things People say about Chickens and Meat.
Blooie! Here we are off the porch again......

I know, I know. <Scuffing foot in sand> I'm heading back to the safety and neutrality of the Porch right now.

I get asked what silkie tastes like a lot. Some don't believe me when I say chicken
And what else could they think it tastes like? Fuzzy tuna? Why some folks think that what the meat is wrapped in affects the flavor is beyond me! Like the old brown egg/white egg argument! Throw in a blue or green egg and they act like Spellchecker trying to handle a 5 year old's text message!
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