Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Well, how about the rats and mice crawling through the feed in the feedlots? Not to mention the waste from the cows eating grains they weren't designed to eat; they're standing knee deep in that stuff and the mice/rats are running through it, too. Give me a nice clean bug any day. At least it's full of protein.

I agree with you about the brainwashing of Americans; their brains have been washed so clean that there's no trace of common sense left. They're nothing but sheep being led to the cash register by marketing hype.
And please don't let them know that FDA allows a set ppm of rat hairs, feces, and roach parts in food products..

So, "those folks" know it is safer and cleaner to eat all meals out…cause fast food and restaurants must be better and healthier than growing your own…:)
I've seen cattle out in the field - um, how to word this nicely? - unload on a patch of grass and turn right around and eat that grass. Sure doesn't stop me from eating a lovely medium rare steak!
reminds me of the joke were a waitress at a diner tells some citiots that the day's special was a tongue sandwich. they citiots claimed they couldn't eat anything out of an animal's mouth the waitress suggests then a fried egg sandwich....

reminds me of the joke were a waitress at a diner tells some citiots that the day's special was a tongue sandwich. they citiots claimed they couldn't eat anything out of an animal's mouth the waitress suggests then a fried egg sandwich....

Lol! Too funny!
And please don't let them know that FDA allows a set ppm of rat hairs, feces, and roach parts in food products..

So, "those folks" know it is safer and cleaner to eat all meals out…cause fast food and restaurants must be better and healthier than growing your own…:)
Clearly those idiots have never seen Waiting.
Wow, that was actually really hard for me to watch. Doesn't help that I actually have 3 babies about that size and and color right now. Poor thing. Doesn't effect me wanting to eat a good steak though lol
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