Dumped ducklings! *Now w/PICS!!! pg 2*


11 Years
May 19, 2008
Cedar Creek, TX
We took a little family fishing trip down to the Colorado river in Bastrop today and I found 4 ducklings that someone had obviously dumped at the park. There are a LOT of ducks and geese that hang around the boat ramp area begging for food (most look like random domestic crosses) so I guess somebody assumed they could just toss these poor helpless babies out and they would somehow make it on their own.

There were two big fuzzy pekin ducks and two khaki campbell ducks. They are all still sporting full baby fuzz and peeping, though the pekins are HUGE compared to the khakis. They were staying all together so they were probably dumped that way, plus they had obviously been handled quite a bit because they were really easy to catch. Poor things were probably some idiot parent's idea of a great Easter present for their kids....then they realized that ducklings are messy and decided to get rid of them.

The funny thing was that several people got all indignant as I was carrying them in my car, confronting me and demanding to know why I was 'stealing' wild duck babies.

I had to stop and explain to each of them that these were not wild ducks but were domestic pets that had been dumped off and that they would almost certainly die because they would be unable to find food or would be eaten by a dog or something.

They are now happily splashing around in my bathtub and will soon join the rest of my duck crew which includes 2 khaki campbells, 1 female mallard, and 3 self-blue muscovies. Pics to come soon!
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Easter tragidy no-doubt.... probably had a few die on them and didn't want to be responsable for the deaths of the others. imo...

how old do you think they are??
Yep, I took pics of them in the tub...will post as soon as the hubby puts the pics on our site for me.

It was funny to me that nobody else could seem to tell that these weren't wild ducklings. First of all, there was no mom around...second, there were four ducklings that were two totally different breeds in the group. The pekins are like 5 times the size of the little khakis and a totally different color!

Anywho, I figured that these were Easter casualties...the local feed stores have been peddling the Easter ducks and chicks (mostly Pekins and cornish rocks because they are yellow) for a couple of weeks now. It has made me sick to my stomach when I am there and I see stupid parents come into the chick room and buy a single chick or duckling and they obviously don't understand that it will be miserable by itself nor do they know the first thing about caring for them.

Last weekend I saw a dad let his little girl DROP A DUCKLING on the concrete floor 2 or 3 times while she was holding it and begging him to buy one for her. I asked if he had a brooder set up at home and he asked what that was. I explained that they needed a brooder with a heat lamp and bedding and all of that and he just looked at me kind of confused and then took the duck away from her and put it back (wouldn't want to be the person who buys that one after it's been dropped on the floor so many times!).

Would be nice if the news outlets would do some stories around this time of year to try to dissuade people from buying living things as toys and then disposing of them when they are no longer cute.
Our local news did a piece on colored ducks and ducklings (like the food coloring with blues and reds...etc) and why they aren't good to get. I missed it though. Darn. I bet it would have been interesting.
The feed stores in my area don't allow sales of just 1 or 2 ducklings or chicks. You have to buy at least 6. I think we have a state law here (Washington state) that prohibits sales of less than 6 just for this reason.

Thank goodness you were at the park when you were! Now those little ones will be safe and fed. Blessings to you!

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