(Duplicate post deleted) sorry!

I've had chicks hatch as late a day 25, so you can go a couple more days just in case.

What's your temperature range, & how high is your humidity? Are you using separate calibrated thermometers, & hygrometers in the incubator?
Thanks for replying although I tried to delete the post. I've officially given up on them today. Day 24.

The egg with the safety hole, the fact that it was chirping away for a whole day after internally pipping and then not a peep for 3 days after. I think it's safe to say it didn't make it. I'm most sad about this one.

The other one, I finally did a float test that confirmed it.

My hygrometer reads around 75%. It's very humid where I live so I removed the water sponge. With it I was hitting over 95%!

Both my thermometers read 95-98F.
Thanks for replying although I tried to delete the post. I've officially given up on them today. Day 24.

The egg with the safety hole, the fact that it was chirping away for a whole day after internally pipping and then not a peep for 3 days after. I think it's safe to say it didn't make it. I'm most sad about this one.

The other one, I finally did a float test that confirmed it.

My hygrometer reads around 75%. It's very humid where I live so I removed the water sponge. With it I was hitting over 95%!

Both my thermometers read 95-98F.
Just a tip. Never float test eggs, especially if there's a crack, or hole in the egg.

Humidity was pretty high, & temperature at 95°F is too cold. Humidity also has an effect on temperature.

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