Dust Bath for mite control


9 Years
May 3, 2010
I'm setting up a kiddy pool for the flock to bathe in and keep the mites under control. I would like to know, what's the best dirt I can use?. We have clay soil here, and I was wondering if I can use it (I can cover up the kiddy pool if it rains, so I would not get hard and caked up)
My yard is clay and the birds like it, Course they don't have much choice. I add Stall dry and wood ashes to fill back in as the hole gets deeper, Stall Dry has DE in it & Ashes are both supposed to help with parasites. Don't know if it really does, but I have easy cheap access to both.

The only sand I could find in our town was red sand from the county stock pile.
Now all my birds are red... Maybe I need to fine playground sand. I think you can buy it
at Lumber store.
My chickens already take baths on the clay soil and they seem to like it; I just want to provide them with a better way to get clean and keep mites away too

I'll try sand and see if they like it....Thank you all!

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