Dust bathing!!


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2019
Hello Chicken Ladies and Lads!

Can anyone tell when is a good time to start your baby chicks dust bathing? They are 2 weeks old now and very rambunctious! We love them so much and they are so much fun!! Should we designate an area in the backyard and supervise?

Thank you!!
Hello Chicken Ladies and Lads!

Can anyone tell when is a good time to start your baby chicks dust bathing? They are 2 weeks old now and very rambunctious! We love them so much and they are so much fun!! Should we designate an area in the backyard and supervise?

Thank you!!
Fond memories... when mine were babies my silver sebright started rummaging in the pine shavings and scratching and kicking everything around. Thought he was having a seizure. Come to find out he was trying to dust bath. Lol. So... built them a bathing area as soon as I saw that. They start young. Lol. Also, one day thought she had died,splayed on the ground with wings spread. I was freaking out (over protective) come to find out she was sun bathing. Lol. Have fun.
Hello Chicken Ladies and Lads!

Can anyone tell when is a good time to start your baby chicks dust bathing? They are 2 weeks old now and very rambunctious! We love them so much and they are so much fun!! Should we designate an area in the backyard and supervise?

Thank you!!
One week ago.
Chicks will dust bathe very early.
Chickens like dust bathing in the sun or sun bathing after dust bathing in a cool spot.
Mine just started doing this today! I put them in a separate box with shavings this morning to clean the brooder and they all started doing it. So now I would like to ask what can I get or use for them to do this other than pine shavings? It's too cold here for them to go out. (We actually got a dusting of snow this morning) iwas going to hit up TSC for something so they could enjoy a spa day.
Hello Chicken Ladies and Lads!

Can anyone tell when is a good time to start your baby chicks dust bathing? They are 2 weeks old now and very rambunctious! We love them so much and they are so much fun!! Should we designate an area in the backyard and supervise?

Thank you!!
Mine started trying to dust bath in their tub only weeks old. It was funny to watch. It was the one that turned out to be a rooster that first did it. Spreading their wings and trying to kick. Hilarious. We took a baby pool cut off the bottom and sunk it in the ground. Mixed the dirt with play sand wood ash and d.earth. They love it. Even the neighbors chickens come and use it.

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