Dust Bathing


10 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Ft Worth TX
My girls are about 9 weeks old now, and I noticed today several seemed to be trying to scratch and swirl about, They were trying to bath, the ground in my run is pretty hard so I figured I'd build them a Dust Bath.

My problem is I'm not sure what ingredients to put in it, I don't wish to use any pesticides, and Diatomaccous Earth is classified as a pesticide.

Other resources I've heard about or read say put, Sand, Peat Moss, Wood Ash, Clay Soil (finely sifted) into the box and that should work.

Any Suggestions.
How about just dirt? They really don't need anything else.

And food grade DE as used in poultry is not a pesticide in any form. All it is is the fossilized skeletons of diatoms. A completely natural product though one of little value in my opinion.
why do chickens roll around in the dirt? and fluff their feathers with soil underneath?
thats how they bath doesn't seem like they would get cleaned you would think they get dirty but i would use wood ashes because it helps keep mites away to mine just dig holes out in the yard so dirt is fine to
Other resources I've heard about or read say put, Sand, Peat Moss, Wood Ash, Clay Soil (finely sifted) into the box and that should work.

Sounds like you listed just about everything. Take your pick! Just for fun though, Go here to see My chickens dust bathing. It's quite hilarious!

why do chickens roll around in the dirt? and fluff their feathers with soil underneath?

Chickens dust bathe to prevent parasites like lice, mites and ticks from taking up residence in their feathers and on their legs. Dust bathing is very important to chickens health. And also, it's sheer chicken T.V. entertainment watching them do it!!

I just put together a dust bath box for my chickens! Here's what I used:
A kitty litter box
Peat moss
Chinchilla dust
:D I hope this helps you!
Hi there,
I can't believe I have anything useful to say, since I'm so new at this but I have already had to learn a little about the dust bath situation. We had 4 hens and unbeknownst to us at the time(due to our complete inexperience=incompetence) it is imperative to keep dust from clogging up their nostrils when they're sick. Apparently, our hens had discharge from their nostrils and the fine dust they were bathing in quickly mixed in with their mucus and greatly hindered their breathing. I was told to keep them away from the dust bath area until no mucus was present, or commit to cleaning out their nostrils as many times as needed to keep the airways clear.

We added approx.2 cups of DE to 4 little burrows the chickens started themselves. Mixed it in, removed all rocks. Even though they are not feeling well at the moment, the hens love to sit in their little dust beds, in the sun, and nap.
Thanks Everyone for your suggestions, Yeah I'm staying away from the DE, I just don't trust something that has an inhalation warning on it for people. Then why wouldn't it be bad for a chicken to inhale. So I guess I'll be trying the mix I heard about of the products I listed. Thanks again and I'll let you all know how it works out. KWS
Chickens have to do this on a daily basis?
mine do it every other day
Hi, i use construction grade washed sand. My chicks LOVE it. I would never us DE,in my opinion anything that has a warning on it if" inhaled",is way too dangerous for my chickens and my family!
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