dust bathing


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Is it normal for a chicken to dustbath for over a half hour? I have fenced off a small portion of the yard so my new chicken could run around a bit while I clean the cage. She has been dustbathing and preening her feathers and doesn't seem interested in treats. Could this mean parasites of some sort? My other chicken does anything to get treats but I guess this one isn't used to treats and she doesn't seem interested in the layer feed that Precious eats. She's not laying yet, should I be feeding her something different? So much to learn!
Mine don't dust bathe that long and would interrupt even a fun in the sand bath for treats. You need to examine her and make sure there is not a problem.
Thank you. I will have to do that. She doesn't like being handled as much as my other chicken does so that's going to be challenging.
I managed to round her up and I managed to examine her pretty well. I didn't see anything but I am new at this so just in case I was missing it I went and dusted her with permethrin garden and poultry dust. I also added some DE to the spot where she likes to dust bathe.

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