Dust baths


Dec 29, 2015
I have 6 chicks..They are about 4 weeks old and not outside yet. I wanted to get a shallow tray and let them have the joy of a dust bath. Due to the wet weather, the soil is sodden at the mo and unsuitable. Anybody use anything else?
Hi :welcome

I use play sand, it's safe for children so I find it safe for my birds. You could also use some potting compost, you should be able to bring some of that indoors and dry it out a bit. Anything soily and they are generally happy or so I have found with mine.

Hope this helps and good luck :frow

Our regular "dirt" is mostly sand so I don't do anything different for them to dust bath in, but other members have mentioned using things like an old tire, sand boxes or a wooden box and mixed in diatomaceous earth (de) powder or wood ash for their birds to dust bath in. If you type dust baths in the Search box (upper left, under the logo) you'll see a lot of posts on this subject.

It's nice to have you here, thanks for joining us!
Due to the wet weather, the soil is sodden at the mo and unsuitable. Anybody use anything else?

dry soil. Can you dry some ? in a very shallow pan on top of a hot appliance or in front of a fan heater or in a warm oven or something...

Can you find dry soil under the house ? or under someone else's house ?
Hi! Thanks for the add we just bought 10 acres in Central Florida and are researching dyi chicken coops we would like to get started this week and have a local chicken farmer hatching us out some chicks to get started we are looking at approx 8-10 chicks. We want to let them free range as they get older and want to make sure we get things ready for our expectant chicks. Any recommendations pros and cons would be helpful. Thanks much!

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