Dust baths

So my chicks are probably about 5-6 weeks now(one is a little younger than the rest). I have been trying to get dust so the can take dust baths but every time I try to pick it up locally its out of stock. I was wondering if it is better to make your own dust mix? Or if any one has any recommendations on brands?
Get a old shallow bowl, put dirt in it from outside and give it to chicks, you can also put this in a smaller chicken coop, or you can get an old tier and put dirt in it and put that in their coop ( depending on your size of coop). Or an old kiddy pool will work just as well.
Also, some might correct me on this, but I'm very sparing of wood ashes in their dust bath. Hardwood ashes plus rain water = lye, right? Which is very caustic. DE, if it does any good at all, turns to mush, losing its microscopic sharp edges when it gets wet, so it would be kind of a waste to put it in a sandbox where it might get wet. That's my opinion, FWIW.
Thank you!! So I think I I'll mix up some peat moss and sand since they are pretty quickly attainable. Is there any difference in whether I use play sand or local sand? I was thinking the play sand would be finer but idk if that makes a difference.
I don't recommend play sand. Reason is..it is very fine and made of quartz therefore, is pretty dusty. Their lil lungs can't deal with it. I use construction sand. It's often the kind used to lay pavers with. A little bit more course and no dust.
Have fun!

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