dusted for mites, can I eat the eggs?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 27, 2007
I dusted for mites with a powder that doesn't even have room for directions, so ardent and extensive are the warnings for how poisonous it is. It is called ProZap Garden and Poultry dust.
Can we eat the eggs during the time that the powder is freshly in there? If not, how long do we wait till the eggs are edible? Do I redust soon? How is this so poisonous for humans and isn't going to hurt the chickens, I wonder?

Australorps, Auracaunas, Buff Orpington
Yikes! I can't help you, but maybe next time you could use Sevin - then you just rinse off the eggs. I used it when my chickens had mites and it took care of them. Hopefully someone else comes along who knows about the product you used.
when I was first looking for something to treat a serious infestation I found that stuff, I read the label in the store and went to lowes and bought some sevin 5%. I wouldn't even guess if you could eat the eggs. Is there a phone number on the label? maybe if you called the menufacturer they could help you out.

If you use DE or Rotenone you can eat the eggs. Sevin you can not eat the eggs, and it's not to be used on laying hens. It was approved for table layers in the past but they pulled that approval when they found that washing the eggs is not enough.

Sevin is still commonly sold though, I am not sure if it can be used on meat birds or if it's just for breeder layer flocks for the meat bird hatcheries. I guess it will take time for the lables to change, or maybe the lable your reading is the change.

Try googling the product name and see if you can find a list of the active ingredients.
Ok from what I can find here


it's 0.25% permethrin, it's only effective against Northern Fowl Mites, those are the bigger red ones.

It's on some approved lists at that concentration but I can't find mention of layers until the concentration is down to 0.05%. Interesting, carbaryl, Sevin, is back on the Canadian list after being off it unless I found an old list. I'm not at home so I don't have my favorites and I can't find the US gov site, forget what it's called.

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