Dusting chicks for mites

This is what we did...

We dusted lightly on the shavings and just dusted the mother hen. The chicks no longer bury themselves under her since they have all their feathers so I figured that they would be ok. Then we sprayed with a solution of something my husband got from the farm supplies place yesterday. I got my husband to do it. I'm not handling them just yet.

As for me, I had a very hot bath with baby oil and lavender oil. The lavender to ease the itching and the baby oil to form a skin barrier. I got to sleep last night LOL I still itch, but it's not that constant skin crawl, it's just normal bites itch now and it will pass. I might also dose myself with some vitamin B and see if that helps. I'll repeat the hot bath and oils tonight and extend it to my hair as well.

Honestly? I don't think the infestation was as bad as it sounds. It's just the effect it had on me that was bad.

Thanks for eveyone's help. It is very much appreciated.
I have dusted very young chicks with a pyrethrin based poultry dust. The silkie mother became overrun with mites while brooding and I didn't notice until I saw them on the chicks. They all were fine. Better a bit of dust than being eaten by mites.
Hi there, weighing in from Aus :)

I have used Pestene for mite control and have used it to dust a broody hens nest. So, it was still present in the nest when the chicks hatched with no apparent side effects.

Some advise against Pestene because it has possible links to Alzheimer's disease.

Nowadays I use a Permethrin based spray on the coop but still dust the nest boxes.

Yates Success Ultra Insect Control can also safely be used on the coop.

I have suffered through a mite infestation compliments of a visiting bush turkey and it was bad to the point that I considered just burning down the coop! :oops: But, the Permethrin on the coop and dust in the nests resolved the issue.

We had them on us and on our clothes! I lost count of how many loads of washing I did and how many showers I had. It was not fun by any means but definitely beatable. A shower and change of clothes was required whenever handling the chickens or being in the coop and wash the clothes immediately. If placed in the washing basket, you will just have them in there also.

Edited to add: if they have been on you, you might find they are also in your bedding [I know right! Eeeew!] And, hopefully without getting too personal, they tend to prefer the underwear areas, bra etc. They do not like the cold and go 'dormant' so if you have missed any following a shower, air con or a fan helps to keep them from biting. Sorry, I know it is not a nice subject but hopefully this will help. I know I never want to see mites again! ;)
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if they have been on you, you might find they are also in your bedding

Yes, I washed all the bedding, mattress cover, clothes, towels, in hot water and detergent.

they tend to prefer the underwear areas, bra

That’s where the worst of the bites are on me, the bra and the knickers edges.

I had the same problem a couple of years ago. But this time, it affected me a lot worse.

Thanks for the product names. That really helps.

We're also getting stuff together to do all the pets and my livestock. I have 5 heads outside and 4 cats and a dog inside. But, I’m pretty sure it’s bird mites we have.

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