Dusting chicks for mites


In the Brooder
Jan 18, 2016
Brisbane, Australia
how soon can I dust chicks for mites?

I have a powder called Pestene which is sulfur and rotenone.

The chicks are now 5 weeks.

I dusted all the other chickens but not the broody hen and the chicks. They are all free range.
I dusted the chickens for mites because they have mites.

I cleaned and dusted the layer hens coop and the hens but haven’t done the broody hen and chicks coop yet. They all free range together. It just seem like I should be doing the lot or I won’t eradicate them.
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I’ve not sighted any movement on the chicks, just small quantities of powdery white on the base of their feathers.

I itch like crazy so I need to take care of me, my clothes and bedding too fairly quickly or it will just recontaminate everything.
The sulfur isn't a problem, but the Rotenone likely is.

Rotenone is considered highly toxic to most animals, with birds being less so.

Rotenone is most dangerous when inhaled. Most concentrations are very low to prevent neural toxicity. Beware of breathing the dust.

Since you are in Australia, I can't really comment on the pests you are dealing with. In North America, the only mite that causes human irritation is the red roost mite. While they don't infest humans, they have been known to bite.

If you are dealing with red roost mite, you will definitely need to treat the whole coop, especially the nooks and corners. A spray might work better for that.

Sulfur is especially effective with Northern Fowl Mite.

I'll link some chemical info below for you.

Again, I wouldn't worry about the sulfur, but the retenone does sound like nasty stuff that I would hesitate to use on chicks.



I've sent my husband for Absorbacide which is a natural liquid spray.

I suspect they are the red mites. I can see tiny, dark brown mites occasionally on me. Barely visible they are so small but I'm reacting badly to them.
You can dust their bedding lightly, rather than doing each chick. If you do the chicks, be very sparing of the dust.
Is this product what's approved for chickens where you live? Mary

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