Dusting run and house with DE


12 Years
Jul 4, 2007
Sorry if this has been asked way too many times in the past, but I'm a bad speller and my searches aren't turning up too many results.

About DE in the coop and run. Do you have a specific amount you like to use or do you just scoop up a container full and sprinkle it around...are we talking just a little dusting or a layer?

Say for instance I had a one-cup measuring cup...how far would that get me?

I noticed there are big warnings on the side of the bag not to inhale the dust.

I use deep(ish) pine shavings inside and out. The run is about 4x11 feet and the house is around 3 1/2x5. I refresh the shavings every so often and then compost/toss old ones on the garden.
Hi 3peeps,

I just use a flour sifter to spread the DE. I did a page on it to show about how much I use, I never measure it by any exact measurements, unless I'm making a whitewash with it.

Food Grade DE

Hope this is some help!

Thank you Dawn! This page is exactly what I needed...what a fantastic job you did. I like the flour sifter idea. Totally smart.

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