Dying Chicks


5 Years
Feb 9, 2014
We bought 50 meat birds about 2 weeks ago. We lost a few.. we expected that. But now it is getting ridiculous. We bought them from a small hatchery that is known to be very good! As of now we have lost more than 10! They are in a small dog run. They have plenty of room to run around.
They are in our house
Have a heat lamp
Have shavings for bedding.
Have water at all times.
Feed is 12 on 12 off.
There were a few that were small and just died..
Then today two we found dead. Then there was one laying on its side and was twitching. then it died.
I don't know what if anything we are doing wrong?
Is this normal?
They seem like the are always jumping on top of each other though?

I am just getting frustrated because it seems like that is a lot of chickens to be losing in such a short time!

Not seeing your setup, the only thing I can come up with is maybe they're too warm? How do they act in the brooder? If they're crowding toward the outside edges of the brooder, they're too hot. It's been a long time since I've raised meat birds, but if I remember right, they don't handle too much heat very well. That is a lot of chickens to lose in such a short time. I hope things improve for you. This chicken-keeping thing is an ongoing learning experience. Even those of us who have had chickens for a long time are still learning.

ETA - Maybe you could call the hatchery and see if they have any pointers for you?
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We bought 50 meat birds about 2 weeks ago. We lost a few.. we expected that. But now it is getting ridiculous. We bought them from a small hatchery that is known to be very good! As of now we have lost more than 10! They are in a small dog run. They have plenty of room to run around.
They are in our house
Have a heat lamp
Have shavings for bedding.
Have water at all times.
Feed is 12 on 12 off.
There were a few that were small and just died..
Then today two we found dead. Then there was one laying on its side and was twitching. then it died.
I don't know what if anything we are doing wrong?
Is this normal?
They seem like the are always jumping on top of each other though?

I am just getting frustrated because it seems like that is a lot of chickens to be losing in such a short time!


So sorry for your losses. I lost 4 out of 20 and they were just a puny bunch of Delawares. Others are thriving. The hatcheries have had a lot of losses this year. I'm assuming because of the wretched weather. Heat will definitely affect them. I had to turn off my heat lamp at about 2 wks because I live in the deep south La. and it got so hot in the daytime. Enclosed store house. Hot. Maybe you'll be in better shape now. Keep in touch and let us know Linda

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