Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

Thank you very much!!

I looked at the article yesterday.

I did not know such methods existed.
And I don't know if I would have the means to do that in France, or if it would be legal; or even if using ether would be possible for me (since I have really severe allergies)...
...But learning about alternatives that are not cruel and bloody feels good...!

Thank you again.

...I'm keeping Apache alive for now : indeed, I'm trying to save him.

I don't understand how, and I really did not expect that, but : he is feeling better today!
(And I was soooo persuaded I would fin him dead this morning...!!)
So, I am giving him his chance to survive.
This exactly.

Get over yourself and help the poor guy out of his misery. Or ask a vet/neighbor/friend/family to help do it.

This is one of the important things when keeping animals:

Don't let them suffer!
The chicken has to push through this if he wants to survive. If he survives he will not suffer anymore. He shouldn’t die because the situation seems somewhat normal. I’m sure he will be all right. Prayers for Apache.
Yes, of course!

He had (and has) no lice or mites, and just in case, I treated him for these in prevention - so lice don't get the idea to suck the blood of Apache (since he is weaker).

He is also dewormed. Totally and completly.
Without taking into account the Apple Cider Vinegar I mix to my birds' water sometimes, they all have an unlimited access to their dewormer - that is 100% natural, effective, and very good for their health.
So, no worms to worry about...

I... never stopped giving him B2.
I keep doing that - and I give him much more than necessery -, but there is no results...

...When I am talking about Apache elsewhere, I am actually told his condition could be caused by a stroke or an injury to the head...
What I already thought, as I told in this thread...!!

But in addition, I am told the injury was probably from long before I brought him home - what would explain why he already was so weak since then...

...I am precisely told that my Apache :
- could have been injured on the head (picked on) in his PREVIOUS flock ("previous flock", since he never fought with any of MY chickens);
- he could have had a stroke when he was a chick, or even when he was NOT YET BORN!

The fact he COULD have had a stroke when he was still in his egg actually surprised me...
Is it REALLY a thing...?
If so : does that happen often?
Yes, but, if I remember the thread correctly, what you said is that you gave him B vit in a poultry vitamin supplement. What @MysteryChicken said was to give him much stronger dose than is available in a chicken supplement. He/she showed you exactly what to give - I think it was 400mg of B2 straight - much higher that what is available in a chicken supplement. Until you do this, you really haven't given him a vit B therapy course.

One of my Brahma rooster - my favorite, named Apache le Colosse - is dying.
(He is only around one-year-old.)

For some weeks now, he has been getting more and more paralyzed...

By elimination, and after all the care he had, there are only 3 causes possible :
1 -
an injury in his back,
2 - an injury in his head,
3 - (the aftermath) of a stroke.

I was previously persuaded it was certainly an injury in his back for two reasons : not only did he NOT fight with Rocky, my other rooster - so no risk to be injured in his head -; but he also had been getting better for the last days...
So, an injury in his back was logical to me...

Nevertheless, I understand now he was not actually healing these last days : indeed, it was actually, clearly, only the famous "energy boost" before death.

Since, this morning, Apache was finally in his worst condition ever!
Poor boy is clearly dying, since he has even been emptying his bowels...
(And I know this smell : it is Death.)

(So, Apache is very probably suffering from the aftermath of a stroke...)

...What do I know now?
He can't move anymore...

Here is how he is for now :

View attachment 3724254

And :

View attachment 3724255

He actually looks BETTER than ever if we only look at his face, since he is redder - normalish red - than these last weeks.
Indeed : yesterday, his comb was purple - what I now know being from frostbite -; today, his comb is a healthy red...
(...Why is Apache's purple-frobisted comb be so red now, just before his death?!)
Given he can not move anymore, he can obviously not eat or drink anymore... He actually do not want to eat OR drink...

...What can I do for him...?

I really can NOT put him down :
not only have I a terrible phobia of corpses, but even if it was not a problem for me... I NEVER put down an animal. I don't know HOW to do that, so I'm too much afraid I would miss and, ultimately, cause severe pain to Apache...

...I am not hand-feeding him for now, because he could be suffering... and I feel prolonging the inevitable, if it IS possible, would be cruel if he really is in pain - especially since it's winter, and the cold would then aggravate his pain...

But what do YOU think I should do?
What would YOU do...?

He is dying.
He can't be saved anymore...

How to care for him in his last momemts, so he could at least die as comfortably as possible?
Do I put him in his coop, so he can stay warm...?
Do I let him outside, so he can see his friends...?
Do I force him to drink water at least...?

One of my Brahma rooster - my favorite, named Apache le Colosse - is dying.
(He is only around one-year-old.)

For some weeks now, he has been getting more and more paralyzed...

By elimination, and after all the care he had, there are only 3 causes possible :
1 -
an injury in his back,
2 - an injury in his head,
3 - (the aftermath) of a stroke.

I was previously persuaded it was certainly an injury in his back for two reasons : not only did he NOT fight with Rocky, my other rooster - so no risk to be injured in his head -; but he also had been getting better for the last days...
So, an injury in his back was logical to me...

Nevertheless, I understand now he was not actually healing these last days : indeed, it was actually, clearly, only the famous "energy boost" before death.

Since, this morning, Apache was finally in his worst condition ever!
Poor boy is clearly dying, since he has even been emptying his bowels...
(And I know this smell : it is Death.)

(So, Apache is very probably suffering from the aftermath of a stroke...)

...What do I know now?
He can't move anymore...

Here is how he is for now :

View attachment 3724254

And :

View attachment 3724255

He actually looks BETTER than ever if we only look at his face, since he is redder - normalish red - than these last weeks.
Indeed : yesterday, his comb was purple - what I now know being from frostbite -; today, his comb is a healthy red...
(...Why is Apache's purple-frobisted comb be so red now, just before his death?!)
Given he can not move anymore, he can obviously not eat or drink anymore... He actually do not want to eat OR drink...

...What can I do for him...?

I really can NOT put him down :
not only have I a terrible phobia of corpses, but even if it was not a problem for me... I NEVER put down an animal. I don't know HOW to do that, so I'm too much afraid I would miss and, ultimately, cause severe pain to Apache...

...I am not hand-feeding him for now, because he could be suffering... and I feel prolonging the inevitable, if it IS possible, would be cruel if he really is in pain - especially since it's winter, and the cold would then aggravate his pain...

But what do YOU think I should do?
What would YOU do...?

He is dying.
He can't be saved anymore...

How to care for him in his last momemts, so he could at least die as comfortably as possible?
Do I put him in his coop, so he can stay warm...?
Do I let him outside, so he can see his friends...?
Do I force him to drink water at least...?
Here is where do. A 3cc syringe filled with water, small enough for him to get the water. Or you can use a 1cc. Then I use critical care to feed with a syringe. Some start to eat on thier own. I clean her, make sure she gets water. From the syringe, offer water in a little container. My feeling is no one should be thirsty.


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One of my Brahma rooster - my favorite, named Apache le Colosse - is dying.
(He is only around one-year-old.)

For some weeks now, he has been getting more and more paralyzed...

By elimination, and after all the care he had, there are only 3 causes possible :
1 -
an injury in his back,
2 - an injury in his head,
3 - (the aftermath) of a stroke.

I was previously persuaded it was certainly an injury in his back for two reasons : not only did he NOT fight with Rocky, my other rooster - so no risk to be injured in his head -; but he also had been getting better for the last days...
So, an injury in his back was logical to me...

Nevertheless, I understand now he was not actually healing these last days : indeed, it was actually, clearly, only the famous "energy boost" before death.

Since, this morning, Apache was finally in his worst condition ever!
Poor boy is clearly dying, since he has even been emptying his bowels...
(And I know this smell : it is Death.)

(So, Apache is very probably suffering from the aftermath of a stroke...)

...What do I know now?
He can't move anymore...

Here is how he is for now :

View attachment 3724254

And :

View attachment 3724255

He actually looks BETTER than ever if we only look at his face, since he is redder - normalish red - than these last weeks.
Indeed : yesterday, his comb was purple - what I now know being from frostbite -; today, his comb is a healthy red...
(...Why is Apache's purple-frobisted comb be so red now, just before his death?!)
Given he can not move anymore, he can obviously not eat or drink anymore... He actually do not want to eat OR drink...

...What can I do for him...?

I really can NOT put him down :
not only have I a terrible phobia of corpses, but even if it was not a problem for me... I NEVER put down an animal. I don't know HOW to do that, so I'm too much afraid I would miss and, ultimately, cause severe pain to Apache...

...I am not hand-feeding him for now, because he could be suffering... and I feel prolonging the inevitable, if it IS possible, would be cruel if he really is in pain - especially since it's winter, and the cold would then aggravate his pain...

But what do YOU think I should do?
What would YOU do...?

He is dying.
He can't be saved anymore...

How to care for him in his last momemts, so he could at least die as comfortably as possible?
Do I put him in his coop, so he can stay warm...?
Do I let him outside, so he can see his friends...?
Do I force him to drink water at least...?

The way he's sitting, he's got curly toe paralysis, a very fixable condition caused by Riboflavin Deficiency.

He's not dying.
Let him be. He will pass when the time is right for him. Trying to kill him won't make you feel better but guilty

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