
  1. B

    Hello Backyard Chickens-ites.

    Hello everyone, I am new to the world of backyard chickens/ducks. I am an Australian living in Bavaria Germany and we have lots of space and a river for our Indian Runner ducks and Brahmas, who keep us busy but satisfied with their character, eggs and babies. Looking forward to learning more...
  2. I

    Redness in legs

    Does anyone know why or what this redness is on Brahma rooster, Only began when he started to mature and seems to be getting darker as his comb & wattles become darker aswell. No sign of any mites or anything like that. Thanks
  3. kittyvamp1884

    RIP Willow - my giant marshmallow rooster.

    I just wanted to take a minute and acknowledge the passing of our light Brahma rooster, Willow. We'd been having some issues with flock dynamics after he reached breeding age, and knew one of our roosters would need to be re-homed, we figured it just wasn't fair to Willow to have him...
  4. Njames1963

    Light Brahma hen or roo?

    I have a light Brahma about 5/6 weeks old who came from a female bin at Runnings. I'm becoming suspicious she is actually a he though because she's got bright red wattles coming in already, and she's turning into a bit of a jerk. She's also surpassed my oldest chick(at least a week older) in...
  5. R

    Light brahma feather issues

    My light brahma is 17 weeks old. She has always had big gaps in her wing feathers it seems, and her feet never grew many feathers. I have another brahma that is a few weeks younger than her that has fully feathered feet and no wing issues. does anyone know what's going on here? Is this just...
  6. A

    Hen or Roo?

    This is my first year with backyard chickens and I purchased what was advertised as Pullets from my local Rural King. I got 3 Brahma, one buff and 2 white, and 1 New Hampshire. If I’m guessing they’re probably 5-7 weeks old and growing like weeds. Just wondering if my Buff Brahma may actually be...
  7. Lolame777

    Sneezing Brahma Rooster

    Hi everyone, We recently were given 2 Purebred Brahma roosters for free, one is approx 5 months old and the larger one is 1 years old. The young one has wry tail and the older one sneezes. Since they've come I've got them in a separate area away from all my other chooks as this is what I...
  8. BarredRockin20

    New Member here!

    Hello fellow chicken friends. I have grown up with chickens my whole life living at my mom and dads and recently became married and bought a house. We had an existing coop with a small run that was already on property. We ripped out the old run and built a 15’x20’ run. We purchased 20 chicks...
  9. MamaPoult

    Why is my brahma not growing anything??

    Hey guys! So I have this really weird thing going on with 6 week-ish old my brahma chick. He isn't growing up and he's bald!! All my other ones are thriving and fully feathered. I am 100% positive he is getting food and water. What's going on here? I feed Alaska Mill and Feed chick crumble and...
  10. Lolame777

    Will a Brahma cross hen go broody?

    Hi everyone :) I've hatched and raised Brahmas and absolutely love them but noticed they go broody too often especially in Spring. As much as I love watching them raise their own young it's frustrating because they stop laying especially in Spring when most chooks lay the best eggs. If I...
  11. J

    9 week buff Brahma sexing

    Can anyone sex these 3 birds? Bought as buff Brahma eggs and hatched 9 weeks ago. Any clues very welcome!! Thanks Johnny
  12. M

    Outcome of frizzle Easter egger X buff Brahma

    What happens when you mix a buff Brahma with a frizzle Easter egg?
  13. MamaPoult

    What color Brahma do you like best?

    Hi! So this year I decided to get into Brahmas!! I am going to get 18 pure Brahma chicks and I am so excited!! Hopefully I will get them tommorow if my Dad has time to pick them up🤞. So the gal has 5 different colored chicks and I was wondering which color you like the best? I am hoping to keep...
  14. T

    Injured Brahma, severe limp

    Hey all, I’ve had an injured Brahma for a week now, at first there was no sign of injury, not even swelling, but she had a severe limp so I brought her inside and put her in a crate, and have been giving her 81mg of aspirin twice a day with scrambled eggs. She continues to eat, drink, and...
  15. Mofreak

    Sexing Blue Brahmas 9 Weeks old

    Hi all, I am trying to sex my 9 week old blue brahmas! I am fairly sure the grey ones are the males as they are much larger but i’ve seen a lot of conflicting information online…. going both ways which doesn’t help. Photos attached
  16. PrettyBirdRocky

    Buff Brahma as they grow

    We finally found Buff Brahmas at our local TSC(Hoover's) and got four "premium pullets" (yes yes there's a reason it's in quotes lol) We brought them home March 2nd (with an Easter Egger) They are housed with four rowdy olive eggers who are a week older lol I swear they think they are song...
  17. L

    Sick Brahma

    Our boy whom we only recently got has been “sick” for the past 5 days…only three short days after bringing him home. I’m scared he’s not going to make it and I need him to 🥺 He started sounding like a snoring man on the third day with our girls (he is a 9 months-1year old Roo). My husband and I...
  18. CluckkyKrista

    What cross is this?

    Hello there all you lovely chicken-experts, we got a first egg from Ella our Easter Egger today and it was a biggie (70g) 🙌. It’s got us wondering what she might be crossed with and if we might have a blue egg layer crossed with a Brahma or Cochin maybe 🤞🏼? I ask because I noticed a few rogue...
  19. Papaye

    BRAHMA : How many hens per rooster

    Hello. So... I know this person who is going to cull some beautiful roosters on the weekend... and he did ask me if I wanted to buy one of them. And after thinking about it : if weather allows me to get out of my area in the next days, I plan to buy 1, maybe 2 one-year-old Brahma roosters - so...
  20. Jajanelle

    Dark brahma chick

    I am trying to figure out if my 4-5 weeks old chick is a cockerel or pullet.
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