Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?


Thank you very much!!

I looked at the article yesterday.

I did not know such methods existed.
And I don't know if I would have the means to do that in France, or if it would be legal; or even if using ether would be possible for me (since I have really severe allergies)...
...But learning about alternatives that are not cruel and bloody feels good...!

Thank you again.

...I'm keeping Apache alive for now : indeed, I'm trying to save him.

I don't understand how, and I really did not expect that, but : he is feeling better today!
(And I was soooo persuaded I would fin him dead this morning...!!)
So, I am giving him his chance to survive.

I don't.
But they can see each others, so Apache does not feel alone.

I won't clean him up for now : he is not dirty enough to need a bath, thanksfully! (I checked.)

And I really don't feel it would be a good idea : the last two times I have cleaned sick (and dying) chickens, they each died in the minutes that followed...
Or I am not lucky, or they may have died more quickly because of me...?
(No cold or nothing, since I kept them inside... Did not even have the time to dry them!)

Not even...
He just smells like a dying animal. But less today than yesterday!

This is the first time I smell an animal smelling like death that would smell better the next day! (I am optimistic, now!)

Thank you.
I did not know it was impossible to overdose with Vitamin B2!! (Good to know.)
Thanksfully, because otherwise, I could have been very much stupid with the dosage... (I panicked, so of course I gave Apache too much than necessary - and not only with the juice!)

Concerning poultry vitamins... the reason I used that first was because the dosage of Vitamins B2 was high. That actually was the reason I bought it...
(But that was NOT the only source of B2 I gave to Apache : he did have so much B2 I then felt like I may have been doing something bad to him...)

A "funk"... is a strong smell, right?

...Easy to say, but not easy to do...

...I would have already put Apache down if I could... so I would be sure to save him from suffering...
(Or I would have asked to somebody, but the one that could in my area has a reputation to hurt animals for pleasure, and... it's winter, and I'm in the countryside with dangerous roads, and it's just a difficult situation that is occuring in a really bad time...)
But when we can't, we can't. Or nobody would have phobias anymore - or something...

Of course, I agree with you.

...Nevertheless : that was very unexpected, but Apache survived the night, and is doing a bit better today!
So, I'm giving him his chance. I now feel hopeful for him...!

Talking to people AND seeing Apache to do better this morning got me optimistic.
(Life sometimes does unexpected things...!! I mean... Apache IS alive today again!!!)
How is Apache doing??

I'm sorry for not answering earlier : I could not connect on the website.
(Bad Internet, since I live in a rural area - and the website is harder to access for me than others...)

Thank you so much, to all of you, for trying to help Apache.
I really, really grateful!!
(Even if everybody have differents opinions...)

...Apache is still alive, but he has not been doing so good these last days, probably because of the cold...

I have been giving him painkillers for several days now (did not count how many exactly) - just in case he is suffering -, and wet cat food and eggs IN ADDITION to his food (Premium Mix for Poultry).
Also, I am keeping giving him Ribloflavin food sources - but I can't find the medical/solid ones : all the drug stores we asked don't have any, and don't even know where to find it...

If there are no signs of pain you don’t need to kill him. I recall right a little paracetamol could ease the pain but aspirin is not good to give because it’s poisonous for chickens (do check).

Thank you!!
I am giving him painkillers.

I actually was told to NOT use Paracetamol because it could cause liver issues to Apache... but honestly, I am not above taking risk to hurt my bird if it can SAVE his life, or just relieve him of his pain...

Yes, but, if I remember the thread correctly, what you said is that you gave him B vit in a poultry vitamin supplement.

But also food sources rich in B2, so much so I was afraid to have given him too much...
But apparently, I was being stupid, since it is NOT possible to give too much Riboflavin to a chicken...!

Nevertheless, I was told, again, Apache's condition IS not caused by a Riboflavin deficiency... because not only he does NOT look like he suffers for a B2 deficiency, but also because I was giving him well enough B2 in prevention - so much so he could not have suffered from any defeciency.
(Don't ask me : some are profesionnals, and they know better than me...)

He/she showed you exactly what to give - I think it was 400mg of B2 straight - much higher that what is available in a chicken supplement.

I don't find any...
And I live in a rural area...

The drug stores we asked don't sell Riboflavin... and on the Internet... yeah, the only ones I found... they don't look like the right ones. Don't know if they are contraband, but I asked, and I was told to NOT buy them...

...My country, seriously...

Maybe it's me, but this thread left me completely frustrated... Of course I hope Apache gets better, but to have him suffer for this long without a vet, or professional to access or help him humanly pass... Or treat this poor animal.. Im just aggravated 😒

Thank you for worrying about Apache!

I... actually NEVER told Apache was not seeing any professional (sorry if I was not making myself understood!!!) :
he can not when it snowed or froze, but I HAVE people who saw him, and try to help, and explain some things to me...
Help is not coming ONLY from this website, thanksfully...

Also, Apache IS taking painkillers.
He does not look like he is suffering, but I was worried, so just in case, I am giving him some everyday...

(Nevertheless : that's right Apache has not gone to the vet.
I am actually not ABLE to get him there : the roads are much too bad here to go so far away!
So I really CAN'T, because apparently, repairing roads is not a priority; and so, because of the cold, some of these roads have still ICE on them!
...I could not drive to the vet on these roads : I would risk to kill myself, and I'm pretty sure Apache would DIE in the car if I try to drive on these roads for now...)

Here is where do. A 3cc syringe filled with water, small enough for him to get the water. Or you can use a 1cc. Then I use critical care to feed with a syringe. Some start to eat on thier own. I clean her, make sure she gets water. From the syringe, offer water in a little container. My feeling is no one should be thirsty.

Thank you!!

That's precisely why I give wet cat food to Apache : so he would not be thirsty.
I first tried to get him water with a syringe, but he really does not want to drink with it... so, for now, I let him be; and I just give him some food containing water.

Forget the pictures of the movie. They won't go away. The Exact picture is at the bottom

Thank you!

When I can get out of my area without risking to crash the car, I will ask the drug stores if they can sell me that!
Thank you again!!

@Papaye, you obviously care a lot for Apache. Do what you feel is best for him. You have received a lot of good advice. If he’s meant to survive this, he will. If he begins to fade even further, then you can see him pass away knowing that you did what you could for him. I’m sorry. 😞 I understand what you’re going through. Many of us have struggled making hard decisions with our flocks. I hope for you that Apache recovers.

Thank you!!
You are really kind...!

In order to relieve Apache from any pain and try saving his life, I actually gave him to a man I know AND trust, some weeks ago...
BUT : in part because of the WEATHER, this person has not been able to pick him up yet!

...Apache would be so much better with this man : his land is flatter than mine - so would be better for Apache, given his condition -, and the entrances of his coops are so much larger than mines...
He will be happier - since he could walk on a better ground -, and he will still have friends...!
(Actually, Apache will then live with my previous rooster - one I had to give away because he had so much libido he was hurting some of my hens - and some hens I owned and had given away so they could have their deserved, peaceful retirement...)

But for now, he is still in my garden, and he is fighting so bravely...
He does not deserve to die, and he cleary does not want to...!

...I'm trying my best to help him.
He is, too...!

Have you ever heard of Nutra-Drench? Sold in Tractor Supply feedstores,and available online,I have found it to work amazing results.It comes in a small white plastic bottle with yellow label,meant for supplying essential vitamins,minerls and other ingredients to boost immunity in sick or vitamin-deficient animals.

No. I never heard about it!
Searching Google, it is wrote Nutri-Drench.
Thank you for the information!!

I'm in France, and in a rural area to that... we can't find a lot of what we would need, sadly...
(Last year, I found a liquid Multivitamin Juice - the only one I could found that contains B2!! But I had to buy it on the internet...)

Your rooster may have the same problem-some kind of deficiency that showed up later,like my hen..

Saldy, I was told and re-told it really was not a vitamin deficiency... (By people I trust, since they know better than me...!)
Otherwise, I would have bought all Vitamins I could find online!

And KEEP HIM WARM,preferably indoors,or in a warm enclosed space,near a sunlit window if you have a barn or garage..

He is warm at night, at least...!
In the days, I get him out when the sunlight is on his run, and get him inside his coop BEFORE the sun sets.

...I tried to get him indoor, but he panicked and did not want to stay... so, to appease him, I had to keep him outside...

Maybe put a couple of his pals close by for company and motivation-where he can see and hear them,but where they can't get to him.

I can not get him out of his run anymore, since he is attacked by some of my other chickens - including my other rooster.
...But at least, he can see them!!

Everyday, the hens are going to see Apache before I put him inside of his coop...
(First time it happened, I was persuaded the hens was telling goodbye to Apache, and so, Apache would die...!!)

Try giving him chick starter,or some type of high protein diet.If necessary,put a little water in the food to make a mash-sick chickens will eat that when they won't eat dry food It feeds and hydrates them at the same time.

I am giving him wet cat food, in addition of Premium Mix for Poultry.
So he can stay hydrated...!
...I am also giving him yolk and cooked eggs, among others...

I thought about proteins, thanksfully, because I was afraid for his muscle mass...!

And,above all-DON'T give up on him! People,even vets,use the old "quality of life"argument. RUBBISH!! Dead is NOT a quality of life! Give him TIME,LOTS of attention,petting-Brahmas respond especially well to that--and keep hoping!

I am NOT giving up on my Apache!!
I LOVE him : he is my favorite, and my pet, and my beautiful singer... He is so young... TOO young for me to have the right to give up on him...!!

(And you are so RIGHT!)

Thank you so much for your post and for your kindness...!!

I hope your rooster gets better.
I do not like culling either and have never done it.

We are trying...
He is a brave boy, and he is fighting...!

Thank you!

She was just a shell of the chicken i once had, and although she still was there, she wasn’t really there.

In my opinion, i think it might be time to put your rooster down, whatever method it might be. I’m sure it’s hard, clearly you care for him a lot, but if you don’t see a chance in recovery, why keep him there?

Apache IS there...
He is fighting, and he can still poop... Actually, yesterday, he had a solid poop - first time since several days!!
I hope it means he is healing!!!

Obviously, do what you think is right. Praying for you and your bird

Thank you very much for your kindness...!!!

And if you have a fear of putting chickens down and dead corpses, it’s probably not a great idea to be getting chickens. Chickens die like every animal eventually, especially since a lot are prone to sicknesses, and you need to be prepared to put one down if necessary

I don't have any choice, because my mom and I can't eat eggs sold in the stores... (We get sick, probably because of antibiotics...?)

(But I also got chickens because I missed them, AND for money reasons : eggs became much too expensive these last years, after all...)
I always give away the oldest hens for retirement (some people take them as pets or for their roosters), so I don't actually have to see them dying...
Usually, at least... because sadly, I HAVE had chickens dying young : one hen that eat toxic bulbs, another that was also poisoned - I think from a toxic flower I found...

I'm curious as to what happened to Apache.. there hasn't been an update?!?!

Sorry I'm late!!!!
How is Apache doing??

He is alive, and fighting...!

I think he is doing better, since yesterday, when I put him to sleep, he had a SOLID poop! For the FIRST time for several days!!!

I'm so hoping he is healing...!!

I'm sorry for not answering earlier : I could not connect on the website.
(Bad Internet, since I live in a rural area - and the website is harder to access for me than others...)

Thank you so much, to all of you, for trying to help Apache.
I really, really grateful!!
(Even if everybody have differents opinions...)

...Apache is still alive, but he has not been doing so good these last days, probably because of the cold...

I have been giving him painkillers for several days now (did not count how many exactly) - just in case he is suffering -, and wet cat food and eggs IN ADDITION to his food (Premium Mix for Poultry).
Also, I am keeping giving him Ribloflavin food sources - but I can't find the medical/solid ones : all the drug stores we asked don't have any, and don't even know where to find it...

Thank you!!
I am giving him painkillers.

I actually was told to NOT use Paracetamol because it could cause liver issues to Apache... but honestly, I am not above taking risk to hurt my bird if it can SAVE his life, or just relieve him of his pain...

But also food sources rich in B2, so much so I was afraid to have given him too much...
But apparently, I was being stupid, since it is NOT possible to give too much Riboflavin to a chicken...!

Nevertheless, I was told, again, Apache's condition IS not caused by a Riboflavin deficiency... because not only he does NOT look like he suffers for a B2 deficiency, but also because I was giving him well enough B2 in prevention - so much so he could not have suffered from any defeciency.
(Don't ask me : some are profesionnals, and they know better than me...)

I don't find any...
And I live in a rural area...

The drug stores we asked don't sell Riboflavin... and on the Internet... yeah, the only ones I found... they don't look like the right ones. Don't know if they are contraband, but I asked, and I was told to NOT buy them...

...My country, seriously...

Thank you for worrying about Apache!

I... actually NEVER told Apache was not seeing any professional (sorry if I was not making myself understood!!!) :
he can not when it snowed or froze, but I HAVE people who saw him, and try to help, and explain some things to me...
Help is not coming ONLY from this website, thanksfully...

Also, Apache IS taking painkillers.
He does not look like he is suffering, but I was worried, so just in case, I am giving him some everyday...

(Nevertheless : that's right Apache has not gone to the vet.
I am actually not ABLE to get him there : the roads are much too bad here to go so far away!
So I really CAN'T, because apparently, repairing roads is not a priority; and so, because of the cold, some of these roads have still ICE on them!
...I could not drive to the vet on these roads : I would risk to kill myself, and I'm pretty sure Apache would DIE in the car if I try to drive on these roads for now...)

Thank you!!

That's precisely why I give wet cat food to Apache : so he would not be thirsty.
I first tried to get him water with a syringe, but he really does not want to drink with it... so, for now, I let him be; and I just give him some food containing water.

Thank you!

When I can get out of my area without risking to crash the car, I will ask the drug stores if they can sell me that!
Thank you again!!

Thank you!!
You are really kind...!

In order to relieve Apache from any pain and try saving his life, I actually gave him to a man I know AND trust, some weeks ago...
BUT : in part because of the WEATHER, this person has not been able to pick him up yet!

...Apache would be so much better with this man : his land is flatter than mine - so would be better for Apache, given his condition -, and the entrances of his coops are so much larger than mines...
He will be happier - since he could walk on a better ground -, and he will still have friends...!
(Actually, Apache will then live with my previous rooster - one I had to give away because he had so much libido he was hurting some of my hens - and some hens I owned and had given away so they could have their deserved, peaceful retirement...)

But for now, he is still in my garden, and he is fighting so bravely...
He does not deserve to die, and he cleary does not want to...!

...I'm trying my best to help him.
He is, too...!

No. I never heard about it!
Searching Google, it is wrote Nutri-Drench.
Thank you for the information!!

I'm in France, and in a rural area to that... we can't find a lot of what we would need, sadly...
(Last year, I found a liquid Multivitamin Juice - the only one I could found that contains B2!! But I had to buy it on the internet...)

Saldy, I was told and re-told it really was not a vitamin deficiency... (By people I trust, since they know better than me...!)
Otherwise, I would have bought all Vitamins I could find online!

He is warm at night, at least...!
In the days, I get him out when the sunlight is on his run, and get him inside his coop BEFORE the sun sets.

...I tried to get him indoor, but he panicked and did not want to stay... so, to appease him, I had to keep him outside...

I can not get him out of his run anymore, since he is attacked by some of my other chickens - including my other rooster.
...But at least, he can see them!!

Everyday, the hens are going to see Apache before I put him inside of his coop...
(First time it happened, I was persuaded the hens was telling goodbye to Apache, and so, Apache would die...!!)

I am giving him wet cat food, in addition of Premium Mix for Poultry.
So he can stay hydrated...!
...I am also giving him yolk and cooked eggs, among others...

I thought about proteins, thanksfully, because I was afraid for his muscle mass...!

I am NOT giving up on my Apache!!
I LOVE him : he is my favorite, and my pet, and my beautiful singer... He is so young... TOO young for me to have the right to give up on him...!!

(And you are so RIGHT!)

Thank you so much for your post and for your kindness...!!

We are trying...
He is a brave boy, and he is fighting...!

Thank you!

Apache IS there...
He is fighting, and he can still poop... Actually, yesterday, he had a solid poop - first time since several days!!
I hope it means he is healing!!!

Thank you very much for your kindness...!!!

I don't have any choice, because my mom and I can't eat eggs sold in the stores... (We get sick, probably because of antibiotics...?)

(But I also got chickens because I missed them, AND for money reasons : eggs became much too expensive these last years, after all...)
I always give away the oldest hens for retirement (some people take them as pets or for their roosters), so I don't actually have to see them dying...
Usually, at least... because sadly, I HAVE had chickens dying young : one hen that eat toxic bulbs, another that was also poisoned - I think from a toxic flower I found...

Sorry I'm late!!!!

He is alive, and fighting...!

I think he is doing better, since yesterday, when I put him to sleep, he had a SOLID poop! For the FIRST time for several days!!!

I'm so hoping he is healing...!!
I’m so glad to know that Apache is still with you @Papaye! 🥰 He is obviously strong and wants to fight his way through the illness. It sounds like you have been doing everything you possibly can to keep him comfortable and to help him recover. He’s a very lucky rooster. Post photos and give more updates, because I would really like to know how your beautiful boy is doing in the future. I wish the best for Apache. ❤️
You are doing all you can to help Apache get well. I can see your point of view, and your caring and compassionate ❤ for your flock members. I feel the same way and could never cull any. It is great that there has been much improvement after just one week.

I have been caring for a hen (12 weeks now) that was injured in a weasel rampage. She was found still breathing but unconscious and in shock. At first she had severe wry neck, could hardly move and only laid on her side. She was eyedropper fed/ hydrated her every 2 hours for many days, until she could herself when her beak was put in the liquid. She became quite thin during the first weeks. Lots of watery poops for a couple weeks, but at least I knew she was hydrated, and yes, they were very smelly!
She was bitten in her head, neck, probably dragged, so she seems to have had nerve / muscle injuries.
Have been giving her 400 iu Vitamin E, 500 mg Vitamin C, half a tablet B complex daily. Was advised that these help with nerve support and healing. She gets fermented 18% mash all flock feed, supplemented with dry 30% protein cat food and black oil sunflower seeds.
She has slowly improved week by week, and is in a sling, since she cannot stand up nor walk on her own yet. She can now eat, drink, flap vigorously, and almost right herself, and fights me when she doesn't like what I'm doing. More vocal as well. At first she wasn't able to. Just recently have had more solid poop. It may be Spring or summer before she's fully recovered, but I have hope.
Hang in there, sounds like Apache is on the mend with your amazing care. Keep us posted on his progress. He is a beauty!
That is a bit strange to say. A good chicken, not killed by a predator or a human, can easily become 10 and even 15 yo. I’m not talking about laying hybrids but about old heritages breeds and mixes from a large gene pool.

If a really old chicken can become over 20 yo. It seems more realistic to multiply with 5 and not with 10. Therefore I believe your oldest is almost ‘80’ compared with humans.

Nicely spoken.
Well,I looked it up. A chicken ages about 7 years for every human year.But past a certain age,it accelerates to about 10 years to every human year. So,according to those calculations,it would put his age at 16.
Well,I looked it up. A chicken ages about 7 years for every human year.But past a certain age,it accelerates to about 10 years to every human year. So,according to those calculations,it would put his age at 16.
And,I have found that Cochins are among the longest living breeds-all of mine have been,so far.A Cochin full size to 15,and my current boy at 16. Except for a brown Leghorn hen,who lived to be 14-1/2
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And,I have found that Cochins are among the longest living breeds-all of mine have been,so far.A Cochin full size to 15,and my current boy at 16. Except for a brown Leghorn hen,who lived to be 14-1/2
I wonder were this information comes from? I find it hard to compare a chickens life with the life of humans.
Starting with the first egg (menstruation)
Chickens lay normally before or around 6 months old. Humans before or around 15 years. Chickens often stop laying around 10 years old but there is a wide variety. Human variation is approx from 40 to 55.

I looked on the internet too and didnt find good information to compare chicken with human life. But I did find and interesting article made with results of a polll about aging (109 chickens).

Its in Dutch, if I have time I can translate some of it with Adobe acrobat pro. https://www.levendehave.nl/sites/default/files/bestanden/Onderzoek Hoe oud wordt een kip.pdf

A few results:
  • 3% of the poll was older than 15yo
  • Banyard mixes became oldest.
  • A life with just scratch and free ranging is good for their health in a backyard with lots of greens all year round.

Thank you for your optimism and encouragement!!

He is obviously strong and wants to fight his way through the illness.

Oooooh yes : Apache is so strong...

For several days, he was so weak I thought he could fall dead, just like that...
But he is seriously getting better and better, and since yesterday, he has been able to stand (a bit) again; and I am almost crying of happiness...!!

He deserves the world. He is most brave than some humans...!!

Post photos and give more updates, because I would really like to know how your beautiful boy is doing in the future.

Here is a picture from yesterday afternoon :


He looks bad, because he was not able to eat until afternoon : he had has the neck twisted for 3 days*, and it was bothering him to eat, and he did not even WANT to eat in the morning...
(*I think you call that "wry neck"?)
First time I had to see it in real life...

So, to enable him to EAT, I had to physically trap him (his body) so he could not move in all directions, flapping his wings and all... and thus flip his bowl...!
(I took the time to personally help him to eat, of course, several times per hour - just to be sure he would really eat.)

In the evening, he was clearly doing better, since he has stood again on his feet - first time for several days!!!
(When he did not stand... I think the cold was bothering him so much he could not find the force to do so...?)

For a picture I JUST took :


He is not looking good, but he really is actually better today!
He is standing ON his feet - what he could NOT do the previous days!

In the bowl : there is a mix of wet cat food, wet dog food, yolk, and Multivitamin Juice (including B2!!) for poultry...
...And a painkiller, just in case...!

There is so much water in the wet cat/dog food I don't have to force Apache to drink, thanksfully...
I did yesterday, but just a bit, since he is NOT thirsty...

I wish the best for Apache. ❤️

Thank you so much...!!!

Hang in there, sounds like Apache is on the mend with your amazing care. Keep us posted on his progress. He is a beauty!

Thank you very much for your post!

Experiences like yours are really giving me so much hope...

I am not exagerating when I say I'm so grateful people can tell such stories about their pets and they...!!

(I'm really amazed by my Apache, and I am doing all what I can to help him recover!)

One of my Brahma rooster - my favorite, named Apache le Colosse - is dying.
(He is only around one-year-old.)

For some weeks now, he has been getting more and more paralyzed...

By elimination, and after all the care he had, there are only 3 causes possible :
1 -
an injury in his back,
2 - an injury in his head,
3 - (the aftermath) of a stroke.

I was previously persuaded it was certainly an injury in his back for two reasons : not only did he NOT fight with Rocky, my other rooster - so no risk to be injured in his head -; but he also had been getting better for the last days...
So, an injury in his back was logical to me...

Nevertheless, I understand now he was not actually healing these last days : indeed, it was actually, clearly, only the famous "energy boost" before death.

Since, this morning, Apache was finally in his worst condition ever!
Poor boy is clearly dying, since he has even been emptying his bowels...
(And I know this smell : it is Death.)

(So, Apache is very probably suffering from the aftermath of a stroke...)

...What do I know now?
He can't move anymore...

Here is how he is for now :

View attachment 3724254

And :

View attachment 3724255

He actually looks BETTER than ever if we only look at his face, since he is redder - normalish red - than these last weeks.
Indeed : yesterday, his comb was purple - what I now know being from frostbite -; today, his comb is a healthy red...
(...Why is Apache's purple-frobisted comb be so red now, just before his death?!)
Given he can not move anymore, he can obviously not eat or drink anymore... He actually do not want to eat OR drink...

...What can I do for him...?

I really can NOT put him down :
not only have I a terrible phobia of corpses, but even if it was not a problem for me... I NEVER put down an animal. I don't know HOW to do that, so I'm too much afraid I would miss and, ultimately, cause severe pain to Apache...

...I am not hand-feeding him for now, because he could be suffering... and I feel prolonging the inevitable, if it IS possible, would be cruel if he really is in pain - especially since it's winter, and the cold would then aggravate his pain...

But what do YOU think I should do?
What would YOU do...?

He is dying.
He can't be saved anymore...

How to care for him in his last momemts, so he could at least die as comfortably as possible?
Do I put him in his coop, so he can stay warm...?
Do I let him outside, so he can see his friends...?
Do I force him to drink water at least...?
Take him to a warm sheltered area. Construct a makeshift nest from an over turned cardboard box. Cut a hole in the box in a position under his butt..and another for only his legs to pass through. Support and surround his body with towels and safety pins to form a nest. Place a removeable container beneath the box to catch the poop. ( tupperware would work) Try to give him water and food.

Thank you for your optimism and encouragement!!

Oooooh yes : Apache is so strong...

For several days, he was so weak I thought he could fall dead, just like that...
But he is seriously getting better and better, and since yesterday, he has been able to stand (a bit) again; and I am almost crying of happiness...!!

He deserves the world. He is most brave than some humans...!!

Here is a picture from yesterday afternoon :

View attachment 3730292

He looks bad, because he was not able to eat until afternoon : he had has the neck twisted for 3 days*, and it was bothering him to eat, and he did not even WANT to eat in the morning...
(*I think you call that "wry neck"?)
First time I had to see it in real life...

So, to enable him to EAT, I had to physically trap him (his body) so he could not move in all directions, flapping his wings and all... and thus flip his bowl...!
(I took the time to personally help him to eat, of course, several times per hour - just to be sure he would really eat.)

In the evening, he was clearly doing better, since he has stood again on his feet - first time for several days!!!
(When he did not stand... I think the cold was bothering him so much he could not find the force to do so...?)

For a picture I JUST took :

View attachment 3730296

He is not looking good, but he really is actually better today!
He is standing ON his feet - what he could NOT do the previous days!

In the bowl : there is a mix of wet cat food, wet dog food, yolk, and Multivitamin Juice (including B2!!) for poultry...
...And a painkiller, just in case...!

There is so much water in the wet cat/dog food I don't have to force Apache to drink, thanksfully...
I did yesterday, but just a bit, since he is NOT thirsty...

Thank you so much...!!!

Thank you very much for your post!

Experiences like yours are really giving me so much hope...

I am not exagerating when I say I'm so grateful people can tell such stories about their pets and they...!!

(I'm really amazed by my Apache, and I am doing all what I can to help him recover!)
I’m very happy that Apache is improving! 😊 Thank you for keeping us updated and posting photos. He looks like he feels much better. ❤️ I’m looking forward to following your journey with him. You have such a caring heart. 😊❤️ Apache is a beautiful lucky rooster. You obviously have done all that’s been necessary for him, and it shows through his improvement. Also, thank you for sharing Apaches story. It can help others in the future with similar situations.

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