Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?

My hatch is over. 10 of the 13 hatched giving me a 77% hatch rate. I have 6 barred rocks, 1 barred rock/black Australorp, and 3 barred rock/barnyard mix.

Congratulation! They are so cute!!
Lone egg must have died after I checked it yesterday. No pips or movement, curiosity got to me and I peeled enough off to see it was dead.
But 8/9 lockdown eggs hatched! Lots of yellow @MrsBachbach
My hatch is over. All 20 of my eggs hatched. I had to help two of them out, the first one is doing great but the second one seems to be a bit curled up. I'll give it some time and see if it strengthens. Very excited to have 100% hatch rate on my first hatch for chickens. They were great eggs! I can't recommend Eight acres Farm in Florida enough.

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