Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?

My hatch is over. 10 of the 13 hatched giving me a 77% hatch rate. I have 6 barred rocks, 1 barred rock/black Australorp, and 3 barred rock/barnyard mix.


awww so cute.
Congrats everyone who has some chicks hatching!

My eggs went into lockdown this morning! Another set goes on lockdown this upcoming Tuesday...then I will wait until next month to set
All but one lonely egg has hatched! Today's day 21 and the lone egg is definitely alive so it looks like it's just taking its time.
Going into lockdown tomorrow with my shipped MPC eggs tomorrow night. Last candling I had 16 (started with 24 but 8 were clear at day 14).

Here are my four that hatched a couple of days ago:


Today is day 21. We have 17 out of 20 eggs hatched. 7/9 BCMs, 7/7 Olive Eggers and 3/4 Ameraucanas. Had to help the third Ameraucana out. It had been trying to zip for 24 hours. It's breathing well and chirping, but is either too tired or not strong enough to stand up. We'll see how it is tomorrow...

My Olive Eggers are variety of colors. Most are wheaten/brown. But I have a dark gray one and silver/lavender one. Really hoping they are pullets!



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