
In the Brooder
8 Years
May 4, 2011
Could someone please tell me what to do! I have a chick that hatched yesterday ( late 18th day ) and she is in there with 5 other eggs that haven't hatched yet and here it is about 12 hrs later and she is still the only one in there. Should I get her out or leave her in? She's bumping all the other eggs around and looks strong but I don't want to mess up the humidity if I take her out. I know they can survive on the yolk for a bit but if the others take a few days longer than she'll be in there too long. HELP!!!! I'm new to this and it's my first hatch!
On second thought, have the other eggs pipped? If not, I think you're ok taking that chick out. The problem is mostly when the other eggs are trying to hatch that they can be shrink wrapped.
should I spray some mist in there while I get her out to help maintain moisture? She looks so bored in there and everytime I check the other eggs are getting kicked all over the place! Is it normal for that big of a gap between hatches? They all incubated together, we did have one short power outage during the process that made me worry if they'd survive but when I candled I kept seeing growth. She hatched late yesterday so when do you think is the longest I can leave her in there? I've read 24 to 48 hrs but then I read that it's up to that long and to get them out soon after hatch for them to eat. When I read this in the beginning it seemed simple but I never thought I'd have them coming at all different rates.
If they haven't pipped I think you're ok not spraying. I've also come to realize that much depends on your peace of mind - so if it makes you feel better spray away.
I hope someone else chimes in because I'm not known for my great hatch rates..........

Personally, I'd probably take the baby out. They get more and more rambunctious the longer they're in there.

My last hatch was very long -- some hatched early and some hatched a little late. I'm still not sure why. Hopefully, more will hatch for you, especially since the first was early.

Good luck and keep us posted!
I heard that if the temperature is to warm then chicks will hatch early, but I'm not sure why the others haven't hatched yet. If the other eggs haven't pipped then yea you should be ok with taking her out :))
I am having the same issue. I have 5 eggs in the incubator and got the first hatch on the day I was supposed to go into lockdown (but before I did). I was debating going into lockdown early when the egg was chirping but then it hatched! It has now been over 24 hours (about 30) and there looks like one very small pip from one egg but nothing else much going on. Sometimes I think I see movement in the eggs but then wonder if it was my imagination. In any case, the one chick is super active and seems like he/she wants to be out of there. I get the humidity issue with opening the incubator, but I'm wondering if I'm better off taking the chick out now before the others really get going in case they have long hatches. Hatch day wasn't supposed to be until Sat (it's now Thur and this chick came Wed). I hope the chick is okay as I've read a lot about early hatches, but it sure seems like it's okay! This is my first hatch (gave daughter the eggs for her birthday) and while I love it, it is totally nerve wracking! Any thoughts?

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