Easiest bedding for chicken coop and Brinsea brooder vs Heat lamp?


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Hi! I just (well, it was actually my dad) finished my coop and I'm getting my chickies in May and I'm so excited!

Anyway, a few questions-

Right now our coop (the inside part) has wood plank floors. What should we do for bedding? Should we use pine shavings and deep litter? Sand and scoop out the poop? Poop trays under the perches and fill with sand and/or shavings and dump it ever so often? Also, has anyone used/heard of Sweet Pdz or Stalldry? The folks over at backyardchickens seem to like this for odor control. Should we line the bottom of the coop with linoleum and then put one of above on top? What do YOU do with the inside of your coop and how do you maintain it/clean it? Just wanted some ideas out there. What's the easiest for you?

Right now my tentative plan is to cover the floor with a layer of DE and/or sweet pdz and pine shavings on top and just do deep litter on top with the pine shavings, but not sure if I should also add a linoleum floor to easy cleanup the few times I have to clean it out, or also add poop trays under the perches to dump it if I ever need to?

Secondly, has anyone used the brinsea brooder? It's pricier but the fact there's little fire risk and don't have to fiddle with heat lamps and all that makes it interesting. Just wanted to see any opinions on it, good or bad. If not, what's the best way to set up a heat lamp? Clamp it to the box or using a stand? Also, should we use a large plastic tupperware crate (like rubbermaid), a large cardboard box, or a large aquarium for the brooder? Pros/cons of each?

And any pictures of your heat lamp set up or the inside of your chicken coop would be welcome.

checkout this thread.

It is really a long thread, but at the beginning a superb explanation of how to use pdz. After reading this I have switched and the work of keeping clean is easier than ever. So you will need poop trays with/for the pdz. For the rest of the floor - linoleum covered in wood shavings.

For your brooder - definitely use Brinsea.... don't risk the fire.

Good luck with your new chickens and congrats on being a soon to be chicken owner.
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