Easiest way to catch a stubborn, smart rooster?

How protective is he of the girls. If he's any kind of flock protector at all, just pick up one of the girls at the coop that doesn't like to be handled, he'll come runnin'.

Maybe when you do catch him you should clip his wing to prevent him from going where you can't catch him. I also agree that if he gets cold he will find a place where he is warm. As long as you know you have tried everything you can.
If you lock him up for a few days he should start going in and sleeping in the coop. Chickens aren't hard to train to go in the coop. Once they establish a pattern of where to sleep they'll return. Even if they free range all day. You just have to catch him that first time and don't let him out again until he realizes where he's suppose to go.
I agree.

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