East Coast Quail Peeps...

Fat Daddy

11 Years
Dec 11, 2010
Hey Guys, Sounds like you all need to get everything tied down, high and dry! Pray'n for the storm to just pass by and just blow you a kiss.... Know we're think'in about you and yours. Good luck. Bill

I hope you all stay safe and damage free. Tuck in your birds tightly and my prayers are with you...Leyla
just a little west of Va beach here I got the boat gassed up as well as my truck when the power comes back on I will check in , I gotta fairly large tribe to check on before I get back online tho
if ya think power is going out, fill bathtubs with water. candles, deck of cards. our power was out 5 days on the last big one when it came back on I had no hot water- old gas line had leaked.
park cars away from trees. think of high ground for the livestock.
hold on tight.
best of luck.
Thanks for the concern Bill. The way it looks now I'll be takin' it in the shorts with this one. My farm is about a quarter mile from the coast. Big wind and coastal floods. I'm securin' up everything the best I can, and hopin' for the best. I got a big generator and 50 gallons of gas in case we're without power for any extended period. I'll be spendin' the day today helpin' friends get their boats out of the water and makin' little life jackets for the quail. I'll let you all know how I come out of this after it passes.
I was afraid this would kick you in the junk on it's way by man. Your welcome to tie your crap down and flop here in Ks long as you need. We got lotsa corn fed ladies and home grown, fresh off the farm!!! Ain't a bad deal man... Good luck my friend... Bill
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Currently breeding 2lb Boneless Cambodian White-Meat Giant Coturnix Quail. All my quail are healthy & happy livin' with my chickens & eatin' cat food. I don't sell eggs or birds, except to newbies and polar bears.

I love the new tag line!!! Pretty well covers it all!!! Keep safe, Bill
it's supposed to be 80 mph winds here for us.
today i'm cleaning up things that will be taken with the wind as well as making sure all coops and pens are all secure and ready for mother natures fury... not too thrilled about this.. first a 5.9earthquake on EC and now the hurricane.....mother natures ticked
Hurricanes sux but the rain would help. I went to the aftermath of Rita & Katrina for work it was a row to hoe seeing the damage they caused. I've been through my share when I lived in H Town. Ike was the last one & the power was out forever. I had luckily bought a new Honda generator one of the small portable ones . That thing saved my life. Dang think would only burn a gallon of gas a day. The biggest problem was getting gas. I pray for all of yall & all your livestock as well.

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