Easter Egger?? Age?

With those pictures...it looks like it's older than 12weeks and maybe a pullet. Like farmerChef said....It is kind of hard to tell with white birds. How old it the chicken behind the EE?
It is supposed to be 12 to 16 wks like the EE but it was supposed to be a pullet too. Most everyone on another post said roo. I got them both from the same lady...she had so many that I don't think she knew how old they were forsure. She said they were ALL pullets too. umm!
its hard to tell but it should have pointy hackles if its a roo. try taken a piece of colored cloth and lay a few of its feathers on it and you should be able to tell if roo or not. hens will have rounded tipped feathers that a fat and roos have slider pointed feathers around their necks
If it's 12 weeks it's probably a boy. Getting a better look at the face I would definitely say EE, but diluted as it has a single comb. If it's 16 weeks it could be a girl getting ready to lay. Hard to tell with white birds. Saddle feathers are the easiest way to tell as soon as they start coming in you know it's a boy.
In 4 more weeks you should know for sure. The lady could have known what she was talking about, got mistaken, or pulled the wool over you. I hope they are pullets for your sake.
It makes such a difference if they are 12 weeks vs 16 weeks. Some hens start laying as early as 16weeks and as late as.....well....I have one that is going on 10months and only 1 egg and none since. I think EEs average around 22-26weeks. But its comb and waddles look awfully red.
I believe it's an White Orpington/EE cross. The white legs are a dominant gene in Orps, so that could explain why the willow legs gene isn't showing. I do not see anything that screams roo.
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