Easter Egger Brown Eggs??

The eggs form the Easter Eggers could get larger over time as they lay more. If you really must know you could put a trail camera by the nesting boxes.
Personally I think it's a good sign when a hen doesn't lay large eggs off the bat, I feel that those that do seem to be more at risk of egg binding in my opinion. I had a buetifull white Americauna who started out with large standard sized eggs only to lay jumbo sized at random intervals. It wasn't regular either but shed lay about 3 jumbo a couple days a week only to drop dead from a sudden egg binding while we were gone at only 11 months old :( so personally I take it as a good sign when your birds start off small as it means their body is amping up to lay in a regulatory fashion and eggs will likely grow over time rather than risk issues with a bird suddenly laying large eggs when it's body may not be adjusted.
My pullets started out laying smallish eggs and I was a bit disappointed. Now, about a year later, they are laying nice big eggs. They got bigger gradually over time as they matured.
It’s the brama....I saw her make a beeline for the coop and I closed the door and found the egg 30 minutes later. Which means Easter egger two is not laying yet..and color is to be determined!

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