Easter Egger club!

I am getting 3 EE's Friday if all goes to plan! Very excited as these are my first chickens ever! I just got a 1 gallon food and a 1 gallon waterer, chick starter, thermometer, light with 250w bulb and am working on setting up the brooder bedding. I have the light set about a foot over the basement floor and am planning on laying a towel down then putting bedding on top of that. The thermometer is reading 98 rt now but I will adjust once the girls are in.

Any and all advice for a first time chicken owner is appreciated! It's been a treat reading through the posts in this club.

I will post pics Friday if all goes to plan!

I am getting 3 EE's Friday if all goes to plan! Very excited as these are my first chickens ever! I just got a 1 gallon food and a 1 gallon waterer, chick starter, thermometer, light with 250w bulb and am working on setting up the brooder bedding. I have the light set about a foot over the basement floor and am planning on laying a towel down then putting bedding on top of that. The thermometer is reading 98 rt now but I will adjust once the girls are in.  

Any and all advice for a first time chicken owner is appreciated! It's been a treat reading through the posts in this club. 

I will post pics Friday if all goes to plan!


Sounds like you have it covered! I love my ees. Sooo much personality. How old are your chicks going to be? If days old my only reccomendation would be poopy butt. Keep an eye out for dried up poo and gently remove it with warm damp q tip. Looking forward to pics when you get them :)
I am getting 3 EE's Friday if all goes to plan! Very excited as these are my first chickens ever! I just got a 1 gallon food and a 1 gallon waterer, chick starter, thermometer, light with 250w bulb and am working on setting up the brooder bedding. I have the light set about a foot over the basement floor and am planning on laying a towel down then putting bedding on top of that. The thermometer is reading 98 rt now but I will adjust once the girls are in.  

Any and all advice for a first time chicken owner is appreciated! It's been a treat reading through the posts in this club. 

I will post pics Friday if all goes to plan!


Sounds like you have it covered! I love my ees. Sooo much personality. How old are your chicks going to be? If days old my only reccomendation would be poopy butt. Keep an eye out for dried up poo and gently remove it with warm damp q tip. Looking forward to pics when you get them :)
I am getting 3 EE's Friday if all goes to plan! Very excited as these are my first chickens ever! I just got a 1 gallon food and a 1 gallon waterer, chick starter, thermometer, light with 250w bulb and am working on setting up the brooder bedding. I have the light set about a foot over the basement floor and am planning on laying a towel down then putting bedding on top of that. The thermometer is reading 98 rt now but I will adjust once the girls are in.

Any and all advice for a first time chicken owner is appreciated! It's been a treat reading through the posts in this club.

I will post pics Friday if all goes to plan!


I agree with what "Lisa and girls" said and keep an eye for poopy butt. I don't know if you are doing medicated feed or not, but if not, consider doing a pro-biotic or electrolyte in the water. I dipped their beaks in it when I put them in a new brooder. I don't know if its needed, but I did it. I had a real problem with that pasty butt with my last chicks. I am using an electrolyte and probiotic for their water this time and I think it helps. (at least so far)
Congratulations on your Easter Eggers coming this Friday! That's exciting. It's sounds like you are ready to roll with the brooder, and hopefully a coop is quick to be done or already done. They grow fast. Watching pasty butt is a good thing. You pretty much are going to need to be around for the next 4-6 weeks depooping water, food, cute little fluffy butts and the brooder all together every few days. I started Braggs Apple cider vinegar in my chicks water at the 1 week point (capful in a gallon of water) and I didn't have any pasty butt problems. It has a natural probiotic and helps the chicks' overall digestion of their food and they seem to feather out faster, apparently. You can start to introduce clipped grass after a couple weeks. Put polished rocks (decoration section of walmart or target) or marbles in their water for the first week so they don't drown in the waterer. They'll drink from in between the rocks. Wash your hands before and after handling them. If you have company to see them--have them do the same...my guests didn't mind and often appreciated that "good idea." I always said it in a cute way something about protecting them and my chicks. Watch the temps in the brooder, but know that the chicks can take it a little cooler than you think and Easter Eggers actually feather out a bit faster than other chicks too, from what I saw. They are very dusty at such a small cute age already and you might do well to keep them in the garage. We did and they thrived well even with the garage door opening once or twice a day in 40-50 weather or cooler. As long as the lamp is focused on the brooder and no drafts they'll be fine. Offer them limbs to learn roosting. If you want them socialized spend lots of time with them.

Prepare to fall in love... You won't regret getting them. I had one moment that first weekend we had them," what have you done?" I said to myself and... After that I never looked back or regretted it. Best thing I've ever done for our family.
I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge this site is... I will keep an eye out for this poopy butt lol!!! (Thanks Lisa) And the apple cider tip is great! Thanks to loghouse and bogtown too

Pics in a day! I CAN'T WAIT!

My little EE tweety posing for an Easter pic. She's such a ham and the only one who seems like she enjoys getting her pictures taken.
Lisa I keep looking at this bird. She doesn't look real, her color is so beautiful. Do you have more pictures of her? Can you do a photo shoot for me? LOL
Congratulations on your Easter Eggers coming this Friday! That's exciting. It's sounds like you are ready to roll with the brooder, and hopefully a coop is quick to be done or already done. They grow fast. Watching pasty butt is a good thing. You pretty much are going to need to be around for the next 4-6 weeks depooping water, food, cute little fluffy butts and the brooder all together every few days. I started Braggs Apple cider vinegar in my chicks water at the 1 week point (capful in a gallon of water) and I didn't have any pasty butt problems. It has a natural probiotic and helps the chicks' overall digestion of their food and they seem to feather out faster, apparently. You can start to introduce clipped grass after a couple weeks. Put polished rocks (decoration section of walmart or target) or marbles in their water for the first week so they don't drown in the waterer. They'll drink from in between the rocks. Wash your hands before and after handling them. If you have company to see them--have them do the same...my guests didn't mind and often appreciated that "good idea." I always said it in a cute way something about protecting them and my chicks. Watch the temps in the brooder, but know that the chicks can take it a little cooler than you think and Easter Eggers actually feather out a bit faster than other chicks too, from what I saw. They are very dusty at such a small cute age already and you might do well to keep them in the garage. We did and they thrived well even with the garage door opening once or twice a day in 40-50 weather or cooler. As long as the lamp is focused on the brooder and no drafts they'll be fine. Offer them limbs to learn roosting. If you want them socialized spend lots of time with them.

Prepare to fall in love... You won't regret getting them. I had one moment that first weekend we had them," what have you done?" I said to myself and... After that I never looked back or regretted it. Best thing I've ever done for our family.

we do the ACV as well, and I think that is why these little guys seem so much more healthy than the ones last year. We had 2 of 5 get pasty butt bad last year. This year I have birds escaping the brood box at a week old!

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