Easter Egger club!

The comb is extremely RED.
I thought this one was a roo what is your opinion
I'm new to keeping chickens and have no idea what type of chicken this is. Someone said it could be a EE. What do you think?
it's the chicken at the front, sorry its not a great picture :(
I know ones a bantam and ones a black sex link I'm baffled on the white and reddish brown chicken.. I will try and get a better pic tomorrow as its night time here and they are out away for the night ;)
I'm new to keeping chickens and have no idea what type of chicken this is. Someone said it could be a EE. What do you think? it's the chicken at the front, sorry its not a great picture
Looks like an EE! What sort of comb does it have? Are there a lot of points in one row, or is it kinda flat??? Also, what color is its leg? Has she started laying yet? I know... Question overload!!
I'm new to keeping chickens and have no idea what type of chicken this is. Someone said it could be a EE. What do you think? it's the chicken at the front, sorry its not a great picture
I have seen quite a few EE this color.Seems to be buff and dominate white.That is my best guess.

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