Easter Egger club!

Can y'all tell if this is a hen or a roo?
Thanks for all the compliments on Embelia, guys!

She loves the attention and wants to say thank you.

Every time I let them free range she begs to come into the house, despite never having been in here before. I think it's the sound of my raised voice as we have a few deafer family members that require some shouting to hold proper conversations (LOL). I've tried to shoo her away, so as to keep the poop off our nice and new stones, but she keeps coming back to say hello. Eh, whatcha gonna do.
'Sides, it's pretty darn cute.
Oh my word! That's exactly what my hens do!! I don't get it... Though, I have to admit I got lazy in leaving the door open, and let's just say Bisquick felt that she was welcomed in...

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