Easter Egger club!

This is Wiggles. He is an F1 Olive Egger. I purchased him from a local chicken chick via Craigslist 3/21/15. I can't wait to fully introduce him to my Orpington girls! He likes to crow a lot. My almost 8 year old son named him Wiggles because he likes the musical group from Australia (The Wiggles.)
This is raven. She is a young pullet that came with Wiggles above as a pair. I don't think she lays eggs yet. Her pea comb is not really developed yet. She is very, very gentle and wants to be near me whenever I am out by the coop. She eats from my hand. She is so sweet. It appears that her feet were frostbit and she lost her nails. She walks gingerly. I hope she will recover. She will get a lot of TLC at our house.

I'm happy to join the EE club!
I have at least 15 puffy cheeked little fuzzlets in the incubator.
I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Nice looking EE's, @Shahann!
Can I ask a question to those of you who understand the egg color of EE? I have just started getting an obvious colored egg greenish blueish I don't really know the difference nor does it really matter to me. I was wondering if it was at all possible for an EE to lay a brown egg? I have been getting eggs one in the blueish greenish color and one brown one that are identical in shape and size. Both of which are quite a bit smaller than our regular eggs we are getting. Could the brown one be coming from an EE? Some of the pullets have facial hair muff/tufts/beards etc I don't know what to call them and some have none at all. The combs appear to me to be pea if that matters.

I am not breeding so really who lays what and if they have beards muffs or whatever really doesn't matter to me. I am just looking to see if the brown eggs could be coming from an EE or not. It is super exciting to have them start laying. Thanks for your thoughts!
Rhetts, I have an EE that lays an almost pink colored egg. Her eggs are brown but sometimes they are pinkish. She has never laid a green egg. I also have an EE that lays nothing but green eggs, and never seen her lay a brown egg. I'm no authority and it's pretty to know unless you live out in the coop with your chickens. I think it probably depends on what mix the EE is but that's a guess on my part.
Can I ask a question to those of you who understand the egg color of EE? I have just started getting an obvious colored egg greenish blueish I don't really know the difference nor does it really matter to me. I was wondering if it was at all possible for an EE to lay a brown egg? I have been getting eggs one in the blueish greenish color and one brown one that are identical in shape and size. Both of which are quite a bit smaller than our regular eggs we are getting. Could the brown one be coming from an EE? Some of the pullets have facial hair muff/tufts/beards etc I don't know what to call them and some have none at all. The combs appear to me to be pea if that matters.

I am not breeding so really who lays what and if they have beards muffs or whatever really doesn't matter to me. I am just looking to see if the brown eggs could be coming from an EE or not. It is super exciting to have them start laying. Thanks for your thoughts!
It is my understanding that you can get a brown egg from an EE who does not have the blue/green gene.
My mom is planning on putting our Easter Egger Rooster, Rooster Cogburn, in with the girls on the west side of our coop tonight. we'll collect eggs for a little while and sell them, and then as it gets closer to April 3rd we are going to collect to hatch them. Hoping to get quite a few eggs. They're just gonna be barnyard EE Mutts. Lol. Got 2 Buff Orps in there, a Turken, 2 Easter eggers, one Olive egger, a New hampshire red, a Gold laced Cochin bantam (Not show quality cochin, her tail was too much like any other chicken breed, if that makes sense), and a black Sex link and I think that's it. We have the Cuckoo marans, but she doesn't really lay much, every once in a while we'll get a dark brown fart egg in the box, but that's the extent of her laying. The November babies are doing very well. I almost thought I had an egg from them, but then realized that one of the mothers (Rita) got locked in the coop with them all night and laid her egg in the nest box of the showgirl. At least Now I know which eggs are Ritas. They're a very light light blue. Almost unnoticeable unless under the right light. Gonna be interesting to see what these babies lay, and what the babies after them will look like. :) then mom wants to keep rooster cogburn out of the breeding pen, and we will have black copper marans hatching eggs this spring, so if we get a rooster out of that, we will keep him and keep cogburn out, and breed the BCM back to all the Cogburn babies. These are just for our egg laying flock, and also at the 4-H Fair you can show Crossbred Egg type or Crossbred meat type, so if a 4-H kid wants a crossbred bird, I'll sell to them too.
The hen in the back is Louise. She doesn't seem too fond of Martin, My newest Brown Red OEGB. (I let him out for some wander time)

As you can well tell..

Knocked him on his butt.. Poor baby. Pride was hurt, physical being was not.

There's Olaf and Thing One

Again. And Thing 2. Until they get real names or I can differentiate.

My friend and I were throwing paper airplanes outside, because it was such a nice day, and one accidentally landed in the coop. Thing one and thing two are observing it carefully. Lol.
Can I ask a question to those of you who understand the egg color of EE?  I have just started getting an obvious colored egg greenish blueish I don't really know the difference nor does it really matter to me.  I was wondering if it was at all possible for an EE to lay a brown egg?  I have been getting eggs one in the blueish greenish color and one brown one that are identical in shape and size.  Both of which are quite a bit smaller than our regular eggs we are getting.  Could the brown one be coming from an EE?  Some of the pullets have facial hair muff/tufts/beards etc I don't know what to call them and some have none at all.  The combs appear to me to be pea if that matters.

I am not breeding so really who lays what and if they have beards muffs or whatever really doesn't matter to me.  I am just looking to see if the brown eggs could be coming from an EE or not.  It is super exciting to have them start laying.  Thanks for your thoughts!

I have an EE that lays light pink and one that lays light brown (people could call pinkish) so I would say yes
I have 20 Easter Egger chicks in the brooder!

I'm a sucker for fluffy cheeks!
I'm hoping for mostly roosters, since I'm pretty much maxed out on hens right now. I can't wait to see what colors I get!

The brown ones are Easter Eggers, and the light colored ones are EE X RI reds, EE X BLRW, and EE X Wheaten marans.

You can read more on my progress with them here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/a-journal-of-raising-baby-chicks-naturally

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