Easter Egger contest!!

Thanks to this thread, 2 of my extra boys and one ee/bantam cochin hen, are now on their way to their new home....It's a good feeling when you can place your extra's in a good home.
and HOME they are!!! we made it in good time, and I carried them one by one to the portable run/quarantine home, settled them on a roost where they did not move, but wrapped their wings around each other and snuggled close for a good nights sleep! I can't thank you enough! they are absolutely gorgeous boys and the little pullet is precious! i'm over the moon!
Wingstone, that cockerel is amazing! Is he one of the ones you gave to Cheeka? Georgia Boy, what are those things crossed with? They are gor-geous!
He IS one of the boys, the second is a look-a-like, slightly smaller comb, and feathered feet... they are both truly stunning, and the bantam is the sweetest little darling, they are doing very well in their new home!

and I am also interested to know how Georgia Boy got those fabulous feathers too!

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