Easter Egger contest!!

Yes, sorry if I forgot to mention that.


Name: Rox
Class: Cock
Notes: -- he's the father of my hatchlings. I will be back to post beautiful daughters once I get a good picture of them. Also, I was googling in google images because I was wondering what a Columbian Chick's coloring would be and low and behold his picture popped up in about the 6th place. This astonished me beyond belief (him being after all an EE)--- you know google ranks things based on the number of hits.

Google image was the second picture of him... Tail has a green sheen and hackles and saddle feathers with light gold -- he's not only gorgeous but had his 15-minutes of fame. His beauty saved him more than once from extinction.

Last but not least, I think he is more like a Lakenvelder coloring or incomplete columbian, and the daughters are like silver quail -- according to the chicken calculator.
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CG, your "keeper" is gorgeous!! I hope he is good to the ladies!;)
ChicKat, Rox sounds AMAZING!! He is a looker!
ETA You should enter him in the parent and child class with one of his kids! It doesn't matter how old the other bird is!
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Name: Mr. No-No
Class: Cockerel
Notes: Mr. No-No is a ladies man or so he thinks. He is a bantam that is almost 5 months old and is in love with my full size RIR. He is a brat when it comes to some people but treats the ladies of his heart like queens.

Name: Isis
Class: pullet
Notes: Isis is very sweet and docile, with striking contrasts in coloring. She ranges from such ice blue it is almost silver, to red, burnished with gold.
she prefers to sleep in the nest box rather than the roost... maybe she'll be my broody?

Name: Blu B'ree
Class: pullet
Notes: she is RLB, and like Isis, very tame. She is one of the dominant girls and she enjoys chasing my scaredy cat Hershey.

Name: Royce
Class: cockerel
Notes: even tho' he is my one remaining fellow, he is not a dominant bird. He rarely crows, and when he does, he's often mistaken for the scaredy cat, Hershey... he has a soft tenor crow. While he is not fond of being held, he will hang out at my feet for extended periods of time and is perfectly content to be stroked while he is roosting. He is only 19 weeks old and still changing weekly. He's quite colorful in the sun, nice and bright, all the colors of the rainbow.
i'm sure others can explain it better than me... but EE's are mixed breed chickens, many of them are part Ameracauna or Aracauna, but the bottom line is that they are either not purebred or for some reason or other they do not meet the standard of the breed and therefore get lumped into the Easter Egger category. There are so many varieties it is truly amazing and they are all ever so beautiful!

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