Easter Egger Experts needed!!!! *MORE PICS ON Pg. 2*


12 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Stanley, North Dakota
This is Olive. i've been confused about his/her gender since he/she was 2 weeks old, now he/shes 8 1/2 weeks old and i'm moving to a place that doesn't allow roosters next week. He grew slower than the rest of the birds, and compared to my obvious pullet EE, his comb is much brighter red




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Did you see the thread on sexing EEs? I'm going to say pullet based on the lack of (by my eyes anyway) saddle feathers and pointed feathers in general.
I'm leaning towards Boy on this one, but is there any way that you could post a pic of the bird standing on it's own? Stance is a good indicator of roos sometimes. Also a pic looking directly down at the top of the bird might help.
I'm leaning toward girl, mostly because of the non-rooish looking comb. This is a hard color for me! The legs don't look esp thick, either. I'd keep it and see.

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