Easter Egger... Pullet or Cockeral?

Pat Fox

In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2022
I got 5 "female" Easter Eggers as chicks from the local Co-op. The breeder says sexing is 90% accurate. I was hoping for a rooster as an alarm system and figured with 5 I had a 50-50 chance of getting one. They were 16 weeks yesterday, and I believe I do have one. But I'm new to the 'Pea comb', and haven't seen one in real life. Can I get a confirmation? Pullet or Cockeral?
Check the comb. If the comb looks like there's three rows of peas, it's a cockerel. If the comb looks like it has one row of peas, it's a pullet. ;)
I swear I attached the photo twice. I must not be using enough glue. Thanks for your patience. Trying again,
Check the comb. If the comb looks like there's three rows of peas, it's a cockerel. If the comb looks like it has one row of peas, it's a pullet. ;)
I've never heard of the rows of peas symbolizing if it's a pullet or rooster. Do you have some source information to share on this? I've kept pure Ameraucanas for years along with Easter Eggers (bred them,) and never found any similarities that made me believe this thought process.

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